Friday, July 19, 2024

Judge Approves Sale of Michael Jackson Catalogue to Sony Records

Back in March it was reported that Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his son Prince Michael "Blanket" Jackson were at odds over the sale of Michael's music catalogue to Sony Records [click here if you missed that]. 

A judge has approved the sale...

Katherine Jackson’s case against the Michael Jackson estate has been dismissed.
Michael’s mother was trying to stop the estate from selling Michael’s MJJ Music Publishing company to Sony for $600 million.
But the judge in the case ruled for the Estate. Michael’s own children — Prince, Paris, and Bigi — will benefit from the sale, just as they have from all the other work the Estate has done since Michael died.
The MJJ music catalog contains Michael’s own hit songs that he wrote, plus hundreds more titles by popular groups and artists.


Anonymous said...

Full circle. I lost my job at don't over 20 years shoo because Tommy Mottola fumbled a massive loan to Michael against his publishing. That shot for him fired and thousands of people after that.

Anonymous said...

Michael had no intention of his siblings benefiting his estate.

R in NYC said...

Another black man's fortune going to white people.πŸ˜”

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson hated his black family that abused and benefitted from his talents. He hated them so much he used a white women as a surrogate to produce white babies for him. He could have left everything to charity. Instead he left everything to children that are not biologically his.

Anonymous said...

Somebody in that family should have quietly gone to school for business management and entertainment law.

Anonymous said...

If you want to hear about Michael Jackson's views on his catalog, how white people treated him and Tommy Mottola, go watch his video at Sharpton's Nation Action Network conference. He talks about racism and how they treated MJ like trash.

Anonymous said...

Not Just ANY WHITE Woman πŸ’…πŸΏ

A White Woman Out Of Tent City πŸ™ŒπŸΏ

& A "Blanket" IS Used To Keep Warm / Cuddle πŸ˜‘

Anonymous said...

Michael hated his black family and his black skin. Y'all can have him and everything he represents. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

And now you have your answer to who killed Michael Jackson. Just ask yourself in the end who benefited?

Anonymous said...

we about to start seeing Michael Jackson sshhiitt everywhere now.

Anonymous said...

It’s always the damn test tube babies.

Anonymous said...


Mike did exactly what he wanted to do when it came to that will. His family was so shocked after years of mooching that they tried to have the will turned over in disbelief. Katherine has received over 90 MILLION so if she dolled it out to the others and they are now broke its because they never changed their lifestyles. They better figure it out because Janet won't let them bleed her dry off that Saudi's divorce settlement and her royalties like Mike did. Best believe that. Those 3 yt kids will be taken care of for life just as Micheal wanted once they pay that high tax bill.

So, people might as well stop saying the yt kids took everything. He GAVE them everything. 🎯

This is what he wanted all along, he could give 2 sh!ts about what the rest of his family does for money. He was tired, point blank and period. Micheal had already SOLD ABOUT HALF of his catalog WHILE HE WAS ALIVE. πŸ˜’πŸ’―πŸ’΅

Anonymous said...

^^^ Yes, this is what he wanted, but he loved controlling the family through Katherine. He doled out money to everyone, including Joe, through Katherine. He knew what everyone was doing WITHOUT having to deal with any of them. Oh, he was a mufuka.

And yes, he intentionally left his children set for life and left his family begging on the sidelines. He should have taken care of them AFTER letting them live off of him for so long. He had more than enough money. He was hateful, vengeful and stuck on color. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

His momma fought hard to keep what her son owned and those kids handed it right back to Sony. I know MJ rolling in his grave. I would come back and haunt those kids for the rest of they lives. What a disgrace!

Anonymous said...

Them kids don’t care about their daddy’s legacy. They just want to enjoy life on his dime. Prince’s foundation is admirable and all of that, but he went to school for business. As the oldest he should be helping his grandma preserve MJ’s rights and legacy. Bob Marley’s kids would never!

Anonymous said...

Michael never would’ve sold his catalog. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

MJ is rolling in his grave!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nasty violation. His "children" over his mother? To a label he hated? Foul.

Anonymous said...

@4:12 Micheal had already SOLD half of his catalog when he was ALIVE. πŸ˜’πŸ’΅

He died pretty close to broke, and that catalog was his main mean of support by selling it. He was going on tour for 3 reasons:

1. A formal goodbye in live performing/touring for his fans as he was retiring from the stage.
2. For his kids to see how the public screamed and fawned over the superstar their dad was.
3. For the cash.

Most Micheal Jackson fans know Micheal hated touring but he was so low on cash this was a viable option. And he was already steadily selling parts of his catalog all while this was happening.

The estate AFTER his death is what made it into the millions its worth today. Pretty much like Elvis died broke and Pricella grew his fortune. Micheal was already in the process of selling to Sony. Sooner or later they would have gotten it all back, dead or alive. πŸ’―

@12:50 Micheal knew his mom was giving them money and, in his will, you can find a copy online somewhere or at least you use to. He stated if anyone listed of his beneficiaries was caught giving money to his family they would be cut out. I think the estate knows she does, they just don't too much care, because of her age.

Those YT kids not worried about his legacy, they worried about how they are going to live because none of them are biologically his and none of them can sing or perform so they will never be the mega star he was. Although Paris did try, bless her heart. Those kids gotta eat, and even though he died when they were young, Micheal taught them to be the way they are. So blame they daddy.

Katherine got 90 Million. If the Jacksons can't survive off of 90 Million I don't know what to tell you. 90 Million goes a long way, but Micheal truly was unbothered and unconcerned on leaving his biological black family money, and in death he made it crystal clear he could have cared less except for Katherine and the 3 yts, and his will absolutely reflected that.🎯

Gg57 said...

Oh well. Let this be a lesson. Once you're dead, you no longer have ownership of worldly possessions. Enjoy it now because you cant take shyt with you.....

Anonymous said...

@11:49-If those children are NOT biologically Michael's, whose sperm was used? Please spill that tea!

Anonymous said...

@7:22, whose sperm made those children? How do you know this? Unsolved Mysteries!!!!

Anonymous said...

His plastic surgeon Arnie Kline FATHERED the first two. He admitted it on his death bed. Google a picture of him and the boy is his twin d@amn near. 🎯The last one, Mike got smart and switched it up to more ethic looking donor but still not black. Several people close to him including 2 nurses and Klien stated that. Klien also is the one that started Mike on his addiction to propofol. It does not matter who the blood father is, Micheal is their daddy, that will with all those millions state that. While his bioligical family other than Katherine , kicking rocks and terrified because they know those 3 about to have it ALL. So with or without Maury, those are his kids 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

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