Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Joie Chavis and Trevon Diggs Make-Up

Two weeks ago, while sharing pictures from her baby shower Joie Chavis told her fans that she and Trevon Diggs were no longer together after fans noticed he was not present [click here if you missed that]. 

Over the weekend Joie had another baby shower and Trevon was front and center...


R in NYC said...

Either way she gonna hit his pockets when that baby comes after he gets that paternity test. I wonder what this woman be thinking. 3 kids by 3 celebs and none of them wifed her. Marriage isn't the end all to be all but at some point you can't just keep making babies with men who won't commit to a long term relationship.
All this over the top baby shower mess is like an attempt to make up for there not being a wedding. I remember when baby showers were just for women and were not extravagant. Times have truly changed. Now we celebrate babies out of wedlock.

Anonymous said...

Why did she even need two baby showers? I bet she did that just so he could show up. These nobodies be doing too much. He still gonna leave you gurl.

Anonymous said...

She wants to be like Ciara so bad it’s scary. Except Ciara was not fooled twice into being a baby mama, and even with Future, she was engaged.

Anonymous said...

Congrats. Hope she has a healthy delivery.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know she was pregnant again. So pretty but picks the wrong guys. Not me. I'm talking marriage by date #3. Lol Make the bums run. It's too hard raising a kid by yourself. My partner passed. So I found out the hard way.

Anonymous said...

Always a baby momma and never a wife. But, then again her pool of dick to choose from is all industry DL dirty dicks anyway. shrugs.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Erykah Badu is not posting about how she was the first celeb with 3 babies by 3 different daddies without marriage? She quick to want credit for everything else!

Anonymous said...

@ 1:48 PM I think Faith Evans beat Erykah Badu.

Faith’s first daughter is by some bum, then CJ by Biggie, and then her youngest son by her ex-husband & former music exec, Todd Russaw.

Thankfully she didn’t pop out any kids by Stevie J, which may only be due to age.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^ Well, I take that back - Faith was married to at least 2 of her kid’s dads.

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