Sunday, July 21, 2024

Joe Biden Drops Out

Joe Biden announces he is dropping out of the race for president and endorsing Kamala Harris...


Anonymous said...

Now all of a sudden Harris is a black woman lol. She's Indian!!!!

LOLOL said...

Thank goodness. The question is do we want KH? We don't have much of a choice at this late in the game.
One thing for sure Dems have to hold the Senate seats and take over the House of Reps if we want to get anything done.

Anonymous said...

I’m trying to trust the process, but at this point, I just don’t know. Black women, what are some countries safe for relocation? I was offered an airline management position in Saudi Arabia (I have some connections from my time in an engineering school), but after reading an Ex-Pat blog, it’s a no for me. Plus I have a daughter to consider.

I just need a plan B at this point. My sis and her hubby was part of the first wave of folks that left the US for Canada when Trump was elected the last time around. I don’t do snow tho.

Anonymous said...

ONLY Thing Left To Do IS Throw Dirt On Him ANYWAYS

R in NYC said...

Can't wait for her to debate Demented Donnie.

Anonymous said...

Those racists losing their minds today. They wanted Biden out and now look what they got. Be careful what you wish just might get it. The thought of a Black woman being President has them straight losing their minds on epic proportions. Looks like President IS A BLACK JOB after all.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Why do strippers have more followers?

Anonymous said...

8:48 Couldn’t have been more off-topic, could they?

Anonymous said...

Kamala is going to chew him up in a debate. I can’t wait! Now Trump needs to step down. He’s old af too, a felon and under qualified! Next!

Anonymous said...

7:51 His party is racist? That's who wanted him out. Obama, Pelosi, Schumer etc

Anonymous said...

Kamala may be more physically fit than Joe but she knows less about running this Country than he did. How many more times are people going to jump on the whole Black Wagon only to get bamboozled. This woman been sharping pencils and checking emails for 4 years but she about to be HNIC. OK America way to put us back on track.

Anonymous said...

^^^A pencil sharpener beats a rhapist and 34 time felon any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

Kamala knows more about running this country than Trump. I wouldn't trust him to run my bath water, let alone this country.

I don't care who the nominee is, they'll get my vote. I'm not here to vote third part. I'm voting Blue no matter who the nominee is because the Democratic nominee is the only thing between this country and a white supremacist wannabe dictator.

Biden could have been in a coma and he would have gotten my vote. I'm here for the Democrats so we don't have to deal with Trump again. Vote Blue!

Rainy Dayz said...

That lady ain’t black please stop saying that lie

LOLOL said...

That part, 6:54 AM & 6:06 AM

@ 7:07 AM, She don't have to be Black. I would vote for Hillary if she ran. I don't understand what principles and standards this country believes in. Racists have no morals. Dump is criminal.

Anonymous said...

@6:17 PM, look into Expatsi and take the test on their site. You're welcome in advance. Lol

Anonymous said...

Finally! I predicted that he would not win a second term. Kamala will win and she will be president for 4 years and not will on her own once this cycle is complete. 2028 will be a younger white male. The changing of the guards is upon us!! The Buck Full Moon has risen!

Anonymous said...

Hold on to your seats because its about to get bumpy.

Rainy Dayz said...

@8:29 I never said she had to be black
I said she isn’t black (fact)
I’m voting for her either way
Trump CANNOT win
The mere fact he wants to give cops immunity scares me
…among things

A Day To Remember said...

Nothing but the utmost respect to President Biden. What he did shows that he values democracy over power. Trump would never commit such a selfless act. Now it is Harris 2024!

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