Saturday, July 27, 2024

Janet Jackson Recalls Marriage to James DeBarge

In a recent interview Janet Jackson recalls her short-lived troubled marriage to singer James DeBarge...

From BBC
In her teens, she released her first two albums, Janet Jackson and Dream Street. One contained a surprising duet with Cliff Richard. Both failed to sell.
Then, when she was 18, Janet suddenly and unexpectedly eloped with doe-eyed soul singer James DeBarge.
Their marriage was annulled after eight months, but not before it threatened to ruin her reputation.
At the time, DeBarge was a drug addict who would often disappear for hours at a time – including on their wedding night. Janet found herself scouring the streets for him at all hours of the night and day.
"I was doing the TV show Fame at the time and I'd be late for work and hold up shooting," she says, wincing at the memory.
"I wasn't being irresponsible. I just felt that [James] needed me more than the show.
"I got spoken to a few times by the producers. I’m not sure they were that fond of me."
Janet eventually asked to be released from the show, deciding to give music "one more chance".


R in NYC said...

That man was still in trauma from his horrific childhood. The marriage was doomed from the start. Despite his issues, James has been one of the more stable Debarge sibling over the years.

Jcee said...

Why now? Isn’t this the marriage that was denied for so long. Why are these celebs reheating old cold tea? Tea that they denied for years on end. Macy gray telling use she drink and for drugs like duh! Oprah and Gail saying they not lez buns but yet biter have a man after all these years and no stedman does not count as Oprah man. Like leave us alone 🤣

Anonymous said...

^^^^Celebrities do interviews. They are asked questions in interviews. They answer the questions. The answers are released in sound bites. Folks like you go to a celeb gossip site and get upset by reading celeb gossip. Rinse, repeat.

R in NYC said...

Jcee is right. Why all this old, stale tea decades later? Janet is the Queen of secrecy. She must have learned that at home when Papa Joe was molesting and beating the kids.

Anonymous said...

It's all nunya business. She can tell it when she wants, if she wants. No one owes you any facts.

Anonymous said...

I spent one night in jail, after fighting my ex-husband and I can't front, while I was in there, I saw that 90% of the women were in there because of a man. Fighting him, fighting his side chick, his drugs, he convinced her to try illegal activities... that was my wakeup call. I got out and was determined to never ruin my life because of a man. These dudes will drag you to h*ll and back, if you let them. If Janet Jackson hadn't been a member of the Jackson family, Fame would have fired her, long before she had the chance to quit. Ladies, save yourselves and stop risking it all foŕ men who wouldn't care if you dropped dead tomorrow.

LOLOL said...

I want to hear what happened with her and the baby daddy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:39 preach 🙌🏾❤️

Anonymous said...

@8:09.........You seem hella mad over others' lives. Relax. People speak when they're ready and owe not you or anyone else an explanation (unless they choose to give one).

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:44. Jeesh!

Anonymous said...

9:39 Tell it. Been there and by the grace of God got out. 🙏🏽

Anonymous said...

It's her life she can speak on it when she's ready

Anonymous said...

The person in here talking bout people speak when they're ready is still getting her ass beat by her man. Let it out sis!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:19, I find that the messy, miserable people (either lonely and eating ice cream for dinner or happy with any piece of a trifling man) are the ones quick to hear about the misery and suffering of others. The people who have worked on themselves and gone through their own healing journey tend to be more compassionate and understand that one one is obligated to share their story of abuse. As the saying goes, misery loves company. So will it be rocky road or butter pecan tonight?

Anonymous said...

*no one is obligated

Anonymous said...

@1:19 I believe they were saying celebrities don't owe you folks any answers. You sound like you the one with experience in beatings.

No Chiraq said...

Janet isn't your Daughter almost 40?

Anonymous said...

The reason for all this old tea is (1) people younger than Janet, Macy, and Oprah have made it easy to talk about the truth. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. And (2) I think these older people like Janet, Macy and Oprah feel guilty for not speaking up before now.

These celebrities are so full of it. It's all smoke and mirrors to make us think they're magical or something. They just don't know that no one really cares about Janet's marriage to the druggie, Macy powdering her nose or who Oprah sleeps with. All of them are late AF to telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

4:29 I don't like ice cream and stop trying to deflect. Living in truth will set you free. So how about you stop living a lie and wanting others to do the same. It's called being phoney something that you seem very comfortable with! People like you are secretive for a reason. You can't handle reality. Go heal.

Anonymous said...

9:54, beloved, once again, as a healed person, I don't feel that anyone owes me their story. I am very much an open book. Being "phoney" is to pretend your life is perfect. Mine is not, nor is anyone else's. But people have a right to privacy and you are once again trying to justify your nosiness. It is inconsequential (look it up) to you how other people live their lives. Please go find something to do with you, instead of begging people to tell you their deepest, darkest secrets, all so you feel validated. When your own life is meaningful, you aren't so caught up in being delighted in the drama and misery other people are experiencing. You should feel so embarrassed, but people like you have no shame (and no, that is not a compliment), so I expect nothing less.

P.s. If you aren't living a lie, why are you posting anonymously here and not spilling all of your dirt? Something to hide?

Anonymous said...

Janet married a junkie. James DeBarge was fucking Vanity, they were get high partners. James was also fucking other men. Rumor had it, she walked in on him getting his ass bust wide open. She divorced him and gave his family the baby she was carrying to hide and keep. She paid to make her problems go away. Downlow husband and the baby she didn't need once the marriage was over.

Anonymous said...

12:24 that doesn’t sound right. Evelyn DeBarge was looking for the baby. She couldn’t have given the baby to them. James was also heavily searching for the child.

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