Monday, July 01, 2024

Jamie Foxx Explains Mystery Illness

Last year actor Jamie Foxx collapsed on a movie set, then disappeared from the public eye for months, before reappearing without an explanation [click here if you missed that].

Jamie finally explains what happened...


Anonymous said...

He's saying he was given an advil? That's not an explanation and he's still leaving a lot of what happened to him out. He should remain quiet until he can share the truth.

R in NYC said...

Sure that clears up the confusion.....not!
Imma need him to just stop this foolishness. Either spill it or shut up.

Anonymous said...

Why do I feel this is AI? Something just seems really off. RIP JF

Anonymous said...

Possibly could’ve been a brain aneurysm. I heard they start off as the worst headache ever. Smh

Anonymous said...

^^^ Because it’s a clone who’s talking clone gibberish.

Anonymous said...

P-nut head prolly had a stroke.

Anonymous said...

I still don't believe thats him but I guess the show must go on.

Anonymous said...

He owes no one an explanation, that's why he's given this lame answer....

Anonymous said...

What happened to the long tribal tattoo that was on the back of his head? He's had it for years and it just disappeared. He could have gotten it removed but it's odd since he has it right before he fell sick.

Anonymous said...


LOLOL said...

RWS your headline for this post is misleading and you know that.
I take Advil every time I feel a cold coming on. I have not fell out yet in a coma.

Anonymous said...

@9:43 You are right. He did. I said this the moment I heard about it. This new drug they give you will snap you back in a couple of hours. You still might have to do rehab but it works

Anonymous said...

Just glad he’s okay!

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