Friday, July 26, 2024

Harris Trolls Trump Over Unwillingness to Debate

Before Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race, two more debates were scheduled with Donald Trump.

Now that Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee, Trump is no longer interested in debating...


Anonymous said...

This proves he's weak and a liar.

Anonymous said...

Lolololololololololololololol πŸ’™

Anonymous said...

How could he call for a debate for months when Biden just stepped down and they just ushered in Kamala? The debates were for Biden. Debates usually after the convention.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

^^^Why should it matter to him which presidential candidate he would debate? He's running scared.

Anonymous said...

She has not been nominated. She's a clown, a joker with her artificial smiling and giggling. Besides, after Obama did not do anything for blacks , I am wary. Anyway, she's Indian and like Kendrick said, 'Not like us'

R in NYC said...

Kamala would crucify his inarticulate azz. He don't want that smoke.

R in NYC said...

Kamala would crucify his inarticulate azz. He don't want that smoke.

Anonymous said...

Scamala is a clown and only good for giggling that nothing concrete comes out of her mouth .A real joker!

Anonymous said...

She is definitely one of us. She says/writes: “My mother understood very well that she was raising two Black daughters,” Harris wrote in her now-bestselling memoir “The Truths We Hold.” “She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as Black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud Black women.” (taken from a Michael Harriot article at the Grio).

That's why her mama sent her to Howard University.

She's like us.

Harris for 2024.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 8:26. These Bots for Trump are really getting out of hand. Vote, people. It's been proven that the more people vote, the more likely a republican will LOSE. Kamala is energizing this election season.

R in NYC said...

F**k the bots and Trumptards. People with intelligence can't be fooled by the hateful, racist Republican rhetoric. Ever since this site started posting more political subject matter we got slammed with Demented Donnie 's minions. Coming to a black blog to slam a black woman with their dumb white asses is so pathetic.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

LOLOL said...

For those of you that don't understand why Obama was not able to do all he could was because the Republican held the majority seats in the House of Reps. When you vote in your local area you have to vote Dem in the House of Reps and Senate which we still control.

Anonymous said...

Vote. But don't send money. There is something fishy going on. Kamala should have been the candidate from the beginning. Watch and pray. Fr.

Anonymous said...

5:16 Why should Trump debate potentials when no one is nominated?

Anonymous said...

Don't vote for scamala! Another Obama who did nothing for blacks but had enough time and zeal to fight for the alphabet community.Scamala says she's Indian.....

Anonymous said...

She won't get my Black vote.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant racist bots be out here bottin'. Go Kamala. Vote!

Anonymous said...

Can't vote who does not have black interest at heart. After Obama, no way. Don't vote Harris.... she's here to continue fighting for the alphabet community.

Anonymous said...

^^^So, you feel Trump has Black folks' best interest at heart? The same Trump who refused to house Black folks in his properties? You're deluded.

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