Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Harris Tells Trump to Say It to Her Face

Last week Kamala Harris trolled Donald Trump after he backed out of the debate scheduled for September [click here if you missed that].

Last night at her campaign rally in Atlanta she challenged him again...


Anonymous said...

The big controversy is the NABJ and Trump. Harris, allegedly, wanted to talk to the NABJ virtually while Trump is scheduled to talk to them in person today in Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Git it gurl

Anonymous said...

^ The NABJ should rescind Trump's invitation after the things he's said to and about Black journalists including April Ryan, Yamiche Alcindor, Don Lemon and Jemele Hill. I don't know why they offered it to him in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Kamala said, “bring that azz here boy!”

Anonymous said...

NABJ should not be helping to publicize the lies that will inevitably come out of that orange mouth.
I love it when Ms. Harris calls him "Donald".

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie doesn't want that smoke. The man is inarticulate. He can't formulate a coherent sentence without resorting to childish bullying. She would eat him alive with her words and he knows it.
He's a coward. Next!

LOLOL said...

He don't want that smoke and embracement of a Woman of Color shredding his illusion of grandeur.

Anonymous said...

Why not talk about the twerking by Meg Stallion? Are her policies for black females twerking? What policies did she pass? She was given the task of securing the border. Yet, she allowed millions of illegals to turn over black community neighborhoods, killing citizens and calling 18-24 stupid. Blacks love not getting anything.

Anonymous said...

@858. I love it, too. She knows all the right buttons to push. I can barely wait till they debate or until he refuses with a weak-azz excuse. Either way she wins.

Anonymous said...

And Mexico didnt pay for the wall like Kamala said they would....oh wait.

Anonymous said...

Go away little troll.

IThe illegals aren't taking our jobs. John Deere has layed off 2000 workers in the U.S. in the last year (300 salaried employees yesterday) and are sending jobs to Mexico. What y'all doin' about that?

Anonymous said...

Debate her for what, it was scheduled for Trump vs Biden. Is she the official nominee? I'm so confused.

Anonymous said...

"The illegals are not taking away our jobs but jobs left to go non citizens of America. " They are taking away jobs from American citizens.

Anonymous said...

It’s funny because the only true illegals are the wight people.

Anonymous said...

Real soon everyone will be returning to their nation of origin. So it was written. So shall it be.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, the chaos creaters are here too. Ignore!
Go Kamala!

Anonymous said...

Cornel West is available, Kamala.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how you all are going to spin when she doesn't get the nomination

R in NYC said...

10:25 You told no lies. Only legit Americans are the natives.

Anonymous said...

Anybody watch Trump & the NABJ?

Anonymous said...


No Chiraq said...

I'm with her!

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