Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Gilbert Arenas Announces His Engagement

Retired NBA player Gilbert Arenas announces his engagement to French social media influencer Melli Monaco...


R in NYC said...

Chiiiile....Gilbert is a wild one. This woman must be truly special to tolerate his petty azz. Congratulations I guess.😂✌️💯

mil262 said...

Dang why??? He has more children than he has money.

Anonymous said...

Girl run!

Anonymous said...

They kinda look like they could be cousins

Anonymous said...

She better make sure that ring is not fake. He is a ring, switcher.

Anonymous said...

She better make sure that ring is not fake. He is a ring, switcher.

Anonymous said...

She better not have no cute sisters cause he want them too. Ask the Gowan’s.

Anonymous said...

I can’t imagine a woman with sense dating much less being engaged to this moron.

LOLOL said...

@ He is a ring, switcher.
10:42 AM

Not a ring switcher. lolol
She must be really young and really dumb.

Anonymous said...

She looks a little Badu-like.

Anonymous said...

This man sits on Vlad Tv telling the world how much he hates women and how he dogged out his exes. Yet, he still found a woman to marry him? Women are fucking stupid and it shows.

Anonymous said...

She passed the brown paper bag test, obviously. As long as she isn’t dark like him, he’s good!

Anonymous said...

10:44AM, he messed with Gloria? Wow. Them basketball hoes get around.

She looks a little young so she may not know the full history of drama king Gilbert. But if she doesn't care and has a kid with this clown that baby's gonna have one hell of a 5-head.

LOLOL said...

She must be young and dumb. She doesn't care about his H0e stories.
Regular ppl really think getting with a celebrity is the life of opportunity. Most of them have low self-esteem and need you to boost their egos on a daily. Especially when their star has fallen off the charts.

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