Friday, July 12, 2024

Faylnn Accuses Porsha Of Being a Blade Runner

Former Real Housewives of Atlanta friend of the cast, Falynn Pina, has a longstanding beef with RHOA cast member Porsha Williams that stems from Falynn accusing Porsha of breaking up her marriage to Simon Goubadia [click here if you missed that].

In a recent interview Falynn flat out calls Porsha a working girl...


Anonymous said...

And for the record how many BDs does Falynn have? A broodmare.

Anonymous said...

i see no lies here! Porsha is a certified gold digger and she made that known the way she got Simon and was only with him for the money and gifts she got. She revealed his lack of of man part lol. So she was definitely not with him for that. She was just enjoying the money.

Anonymous said...

If Porsha would have dated Simon instead of marrying him, all of this could have been avoided

Anonymous said...

Falynn needs a psychiatrist because this is a woman who was pregnant by the pool boy while still married to Simon. Then she was gaslighting him via the internet by accusing Simon of cheating, when it was her the whole time. GSTFDS!

LOLOL said...

She really doesn't know when to let well enough alone. Poor thing can't even see her own H0 ways. I agree with all the above comments.

Anonymous said...

Blade runner?

No Chiraq said...

Pot 2 Kettle. Move on.

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