Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Excerpts From Kim Porter's Alleged Memoir

Since her death six years ago [click here if you missed that], there have been rumors that Kim Porter had been working on a memoir.

Now an alleged excerpt from the secret memoir has surfaced online...

From Radar Online
Diddy's late ex-girlfriend Kim Porter detailed the alleged abuse she suffered at the hands of the disgraced producer, who fathered three of her children, in a never-before-seen memoir.
A source, whom wished to remain anonymous, provided the document to RadarOnline.com and said it was found on Porter's long-lost flash drive.
It was given to the informant by someone "very close to Kim and Diddy" and was written in the months leading up to her sudden death, the individual claimed.
While we have unable to independently verify those claims, the 40-page manuscript — which we have reviewed — is filled with explosive anecdotes about the actress and model's time with the rapper, born Sean John Combs.
In one chapter, Porter wrote about how the "jealous" rapper's short fuse made her "walk on eggshells", and recalled one instance where he allegedly sent her to the hospital after brutally beating her with a chair.
Porter described the exchange that led to her hospital visit in the purported memoir obtained by RadarOnline.com, writing: "We were supposed to go out for dinner, but he was in a foul mood. Sean yelled, 'What the f---!' I would have to walk on eggshells as I came out of the bathroom, but I found him holding flowers, so I smiled, 'You brought me flowers!' Sean yelled, 'No! So who the f--- are they from?' I was bewildered, and told him honestly, 'I don't know. Probably just a fan.'"
"He threw the attached card at me. I picked it up to read it. 'Sean i...' He slapped me so hard I hit the ground. Sean yelled, 'Who the f--- were you with the other night?' I looked down at the card that was lying next to me, and it read, 'The other night was amazing, we must do it again.'"
According to the document, when she tried to explain Combs "threw the flowers" at her and said: "That's not how this works! You have my child! you don't touch anyone, unless I allow it!"
She wrote: "[Diddy] picked up my coffee mug and slammed it against the wall. Coffee flew everywhere as he yelled, 'Who the f--- this n---- think he is?'"
While "desperately trying to calm him down", Porter insisted: "It was just coffee with the producer, it was nothing!" She explained they met up to discuss "maybe me starring in another movie that he wants to produce".
"Sean exploded even more, 'He wants to put the move on my f---ing family?' At the top of his lungs 'My f---ing family!' He flipped the table over, breaking it. It was a heavy table, but Sean is stronger than he looks."
"I pleaded with him, 'Sean please!' He yelled at me, 'What?!' I tried my best to calm him down, 'He probably didn't know. It didn't come up. You're publicly dating someone else. So...' He screamed at me, and it somehow seemed even more intense, 'So, you didn't tell him back off?!'"
"And then out of nowhere, he hit me with a chair. I don't remember anything after that, until I woke up in a hospital room."
According to the document, Porter said when she woke up in the hospital, "My arm was in a cast, hanging from a sling. My face hurt. My eyebrow was in immense pain, as was my lip. As I came to, the first face I saw, was of the man that put me here."
"Sean asked with concern in his voice, 'How are you feeling?' I responded, 'Stay away from me.'"
Writing in the supposed manuscript, she said Diddy apologized and told her: "I don't know what came over me", but she was afraid for her safety because they were in a "private hospital room, and no one would hear me. I could scream like my life depended on it, but it wouldn't matter."
As she lay in the hospital bed, the musician allegedly said: "I was just so jealous. You know how I am...I'm sorry. Baby, I promise, I'll never put my hands on you again, I swear."
She recalled thinking: "I've heard this song one too many times."
Porter then wrote she was concerned Diddy might lie and say she "had a car accident", claiming he told her: "They'll pity you, that you hit your head."
"He was going to make me look crazy. They were going to believe him. He was a Kingpin."
Yet she said Combs spent "the next six months helping me heal, and working his way back into my life. And into my bed."
"I was so d---ed stupid. And of course, I wasn't cast for either movie. From what I understand, the producer died of pneumonia."
It was unclear when the alleged incident occurred, but Porter noted that Combs was "publicly dating someone else" at the time.
The source who gave RadarOnline.com access to the document plans to publish the entire thing under the title, Kim's Lost Words: A Journey for Justice, From the Other Side.


Vernell said...

I am sorry to say, This Young Lady Lived A Miserable Life ~ For The Glam The Glitz & The Wealthy Appearance, Of HIS Success... It Certainly Wasn't Worth It... She Should Have Left Him, Many Years Prior To Her M#rder... IMO...

Anonymous said...

I believe every word. Sadly she was trapped mentally, emotionally and physically and knew he was with somebody else but still wasn't gonna leave him. I remember when he was with JHo and then she got pregnant with the twins to keep him. That lifestyle and those trappings were too good for her to let go but it's unfortunate she had to leave all her kids behind because of it. I wish people would have spoken up sooner about that Devil Diddy bit they were blinded by the light too.

R in NYC said...

Thanks Snitch for posting this right away. I knew Kim was a smart woman despite how Diddy did her. I knew she had to have slipped that memoir to a trusted friend in case something happened to her.
I watched a YouTube by Tisa Tells that said Kim sent Quincy to live in Georgia at one point. He graduated highschool in Georgia not NYC. She implied it was because he may not have been safe around Diddy growing up. Then she showed a clip of Diddy fawning over Quincy's good looks. It was creepy and incredibly cringe worthy. I was sickened just watching it. Diddy is a sexual deviant, malignant narcissist abuser who only loved himself!
Kim tried to fight back. Diddy has a permeant scar on his wrist from when Kim f***d him up.
I think she tolerated him for the sake of her kids. Ultimately she had to leave him also for their sake but there was no escaping Diddy's evil azz.
I'm an advocate for victims of s** trafficking, domestic violence and s****l assault. The cycle of abuse is complicated. Some women make it out alive and some make it out scarred for life.
Rest in peace Kim.

Anonymous said...

The way Diddy was mourning Kim publicly, I thought that was the last straw as to why Cassie left. But really after all we’ve found out, Cassie got the heck on before she ended up like Kim.

Anonymous said...

^ Exactly. Cassie knew she was next.

Danni P said...

Soooo, Kim was murdered (I refuse to say died) in 2018. I couldn't find a year for when she broke her arm, but I did find some producers that "died" of pneumonia before her murder.
Jack Bean, 2006
Bruce Paltrow, 2002
Blake Edwards, 2010

Diddy has always been unhinged .... To be so jealous that you beat a woman and potentially deleting a man for helping a woman make her own money is complete and utter insanity!

Anonymous said...

I hate that Kim and Cassie will be remembered for being abused by Combs. They were much more than abused women.

Anonymous said...

All this. No wedding ring. No ma'am.. She could've least got paid and had some legal standing. He was really getting over. And where was her family? He picked the right ones. The excerpt is well written. Poor Kim. She didn't deserve to lose her life.

Unknown said...

And then she supposedly died of pneumonia

Anonymous said...

and i hope he Burn in H*ll too! this is so sad! :(

Kendall said...

Wow. If J.lo doesnt say something soon I am giving her a serious side eye. How has TMZ or no paparazzi asked her about Puffy yet???? She has been photo'd outside dozens of times. Maybe this whole Ben Affleck fiasco is a potential shield.

Anonymous said...

Daaaaaaaaamn. Why tf does Wendy have to be down and out right now?????!!!! Whhhhyyyyyy?

Anonymous said...

Now you're giving Lopez a side eye? At the least, she should have spoken up when the video came out of Combs and Cassie in the hallway of the InterContinental Hotel.

Lopez is not going to say anything no matter who might be saved or supported. She doesn't want to be remembered as one of the women Combs abused so she'll remain silent. Her reputation is more important to her than this.

R in NYC said...

Kendall....word on the curb is he didn't abuse JLo like he did Kim, Cassie, Gina and Misa. He cheated on her but didn't lay hands on her or make her do the freak offs. Probably because Jennifer was a star in her own right and wasn't relying on Diddy financially.

Anonymous said...

To the idiot saying she went thru all of that and no marriage as if money is going to save you. You sound just like a d@mn Pick Me. Thought you were saying something profound but sound like a clown.
The demon killed her and made it look like she was sick from pneumonia. He provided monetarily regardless and had lawyers and god knows who else in his pocket. That was a bird comment. For real!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone think Jennifer was without backup from other powerful men in the industry. She knew what she was doing. Diddy wasn’t stupid. That’s why he gets women that had no choice but to depend on him.
To this day, I can’t stand Caresha after she threatened Wack 100 saying she would have Diddy put him on his knees. Like what????? Not a fan of Wack but for her to even say that is proof she knew of Diddy’s influence and power. As long as it benefited her she didn’t care! She made herself look stupid arguing with the Asian BM even though Diddy flaunting his baby online for the world to see. Just dumb!
Kim is gone but thankfully her words aren’t.

I'm just here so I dont get fined said...

11:07 .....that's a Great Observation! Ben doesn't want her azz or her ninja drama from the 90's

LOLOL said...

Kim didn't run when she had the chance. She knew Dodo was an abuser early on. She got tramped after the kids and shielded her pain with Yt Coco.
JHo is not going to address this issue. When she left Dodo that was the end of the conversation. She has bigger fish to fry with Ben. She doesn't talk about any of her ex-men in a negative light. I don't blame her for that. I wouldn't either.

Anonymous said...

9:13 AM, No disrespect b/c both women are somebody's daughter but we probably wouldn't be talking this much about either of them if it wasn't for Diddy. Kim dumped Al B and Cassie dumped Ryan Leslie and look where those dudes are today. They def don't have Diddy's success, status or power, which is why they stayed so long.

Anonymous said...

Poor women get abused daily and stick around so money isn't always the reason they stay with the abuser. But it can't be denied that those women had access to money and had more resources than poor women and still didn't leave either. That means something.

Anonymous said...

Ummm wtf are you talking about? When was Diddy found guilty in a court of law for assaulting a woman? We didnt "know" anything about him beating women, so why are you pointing the finger at us? And tbh Diddy hasnt had a super successful project since 2006 so what are you referring to when you talk about all this "support' he gets??

Anonymous said...

Monkeys? Snitch, you need to delete any posts that calls us monkeys. WTF

Anonymous said...

I’m definitely convinced Diddy killed Kim Porter and made it look like pneumonia. I don’t know how BUT I KNOW HE DID KILL HER. 😠 I just know… what I know…what I know!

Anonymous said...

Everybody knew he was gay and Demonic. The music industry supported him. The women he beat supported him. All.for.nothing because it wasnt worth ignoring his Demonic ways. And yes he got over on Kim. Treated her like a side hoe and a beard. I dont know what a pick me is. Cant relate in anyway shape.or.form. Don't even know What you attempting to say. @11:48

Anonymous said...

Don't be a side hoe and get hit in the head with a chair. Have some standards and dignity at least as a mother.

Anonymous said...

Well....somewhere along the line I heard Diddy be having devil worship sessions. He coulda put a root on her bc this makes NO sense, she could've had it all!

Anonymous said...

Al B would have never treated her like Diddy. Too bad she chased the money.

Anonymous said...

@1111 I'm tired of wondering what WW would have to say about alllllll the topics going on today. 11 oclock is just 11oclock.

Anonymous said...

Cassie didn’t dump Ryan Leslie. Diddy used his power and influence threatening him also. There is waaaay more to that story. Cassie was 19 years old and trying to get a record deal, not be his side piece although from the outside many women wanted to be in her shoes at that time. Diddy saw her and his nasty ego went into full gear.

No Chiraq said...

Has this 'passage' been verified as Kim's authenitic words

Anonymous said...

@4:41 YOU Heard THAT From Diddy's Mouth 💯

"Badddd Boyyyyy Come OUT & PLAY"✔️

Anonymous said...

12:31 EXACTLY!!!

Anonymous said...

No, there’s no evidence this is from Kim. Someone found this on a flash drive and we ran with it, as usual.

Anonymous said...


Exactly. Radar Online is so messy. They know Diddy isnt gonna sue them because then he'd have to answer questions about Kim Porter under oath and he doesnt want that.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Kimora is the said friend in question.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that Diddy was finally arrested and charged accordingly. He is a sick sick man and I pray that they don’t hold anything back regardless of who else is involved this kind of corruption in our world needs to stop or this is going to be our demise The public have been fooled by Hollywood with both adult and children actors as well as the music industry and these people are operating using threats force and coercion and this stuff has been going on for years and years before somebody was finally finally listened to. It is so sad I am so so thankful for the courage of Cassie Ventura , to share her story because it open the floodgates for the victims to come forward now and share their story as well. God bless you all and may he brought in that prison

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