Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Erica Mena Brands Safaree a Deadbeat Dad

Two years ago reality TV stars Erica Mena and Safaree settled their divorce after two children together and less than two years of marriage [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Erica is calling for Safaree for being a deadbeat dad...


Anonymous said...

Why do WE need to know this?

Anonymous said...

Why is she calling out the "so-called" auntie and grandma? They are not responsible for her kids' hair care. Most mothers know to have their kids' hair in small braids when they send them with daddy because most men don't know/care to learn how to do hair. If she sent them on a Saturday and their hair look like that on a Monday then she set him up to complain about it later. And notice she says he does nothing "outside of child support". Duh, it would be nice but he doesn't have to do nothing outside of what the court orders. Everything extra is on her.

Anonymous said...

It’s the audacity for me. Wasn’t she a whole deadbeat mom to her autistic son? Seems like karma. Now she gotta raise 2 of ‘em’ on her own.

Anonymous said...

I dealt with my son's father from a distance, because I knew child support was somewhat of a guarantee. Don't assume you're going to get more than what has already been given. She's not putting him on blast, she's giving everyone the impression she's STUCK on stupid.

Anonymous said...

she’s an f’n 🐒

Tay Tay said...

All the Crap you said and did to others is coming back to you thru him. He will get his also. Go on with your life and take care of yo kids yourself. Clean up yo Karma and then watch him go thru his....

Anonymous said...

I don’t think she’s mentally stable to raise them. I understand not wanting to because it takes two but her mental state seems off. I wouldn’t be surprised if something happened to those kids at her hands. That’s why she’s putting it all out there on social media. Y’all better pay attention!

Chelle said...

7:25 BIG FACTS!!!

R in NYC said...

Is she on Ozempic? She looks like a skeleton.

Anonymous said...

Why can't people just call each other rather than type a book for the world to read?

LOLOL said...

Yes, she is mentally unstable. She's old now, with no skill set to make money (puss worn out). Dropping babies on simple celebrity (I use that word loosely) dudes is dead for her. After her racist comments, she can kiss the celebrity TV show biz goodbye.
She already knew Safaree was a no good H0 and slow. That's why Niki M. kicked him to the curb for cheating.
She dropped those two babies on him so fast, dude didn't have time to name the kids or count his money.
Come on back to NYC. The city is hiring. Every city needs a street cleaner. In her case, a restroom attendant.

Anonymous said...

Chile that interview he just did about Nicki triggered a psychotic episode.

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