Sunday, July 14, 2024

Donald Trump Survives Assassination Attempt

Shots rang out at Donald Trump's rally in Butler, PA yesterday...

From AP News
A shooting at Donald Trump‘s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania is being investigated as an attempted assassination of the former president and presumptive Republican nominee, law enforcement officials say.
One attendee was killed and two were critically injured. Trump said on social media that a bullet “pierced the upper part” of his right ear before agents whisked him off stage.
The Secret Service said it killed the suspected shooter, who attacked from an elevated position outside the rally venue.


LOLOL said...

MISSED !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone find it odd AF that nobody in the audience above or below the podium where Donald Trump was located moved or scattered or ran for cover??

Anonymous said...

@7:50am I Do. & Ery Body Had Their Cellphone Out Recording. Not Running 4 Their Lives. & He On Stage 'Let Me Get My Shoes'.

Anonymous said...

And it was a registered Republican who shot him.

Anonymous said...

Some prayers just aren't answered.

R in NYC said...

I noticed no one started running away. Very odd. Looked a bit staged to me and snipers don't miss!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:05 EXACTLY. Snipers don’t miss. They have ONE job. Shall I refer people back to the JFK assassination??
He was not to survive that car ride past the grassy knoll - and he didn’t.

Today’s event looked like a strange piece of planned theatre. And then Trump raising his fist as if to say “ Look at me! Look how tough I am! I’m a hero- I survived!”

I feel like they HAD to do something to counter Joe Biden’s strong performance at his rally on Wed or Thurs.

Anonymous said...

Strong rally? Noone shows up at joes rally.

Anonymous said...

Distraction after distraction to hide the fact that TRUE Israel has awaken and prophecy is being fulfilled.

Anonymous said...

God, y'all are dumb. People didn't move because they were in shock. Heard of "fight or flight?" They froze. Second, that man is nearly 300 lbs, he does not have catlike reflexes, he's not going to plan nearly taking a bullet to the dome.

R in NYC said...

9:12 Bish watch yo mouth. I hear bullets I'm running!!! Period! FOH with that frozen mess. You must live in the country. In the city we know what gunfire sounds like and we run!

Anonymous said...

I’m NOT a Trump supporter but Joe Biden made a statement earlier in the week at a donor event. Biden quote:“So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” 🎯… Considering that bit of information it’s also well known and documented that a sitting U.S. President can claim plausible deniability… JFK made assassination attempts on Fidel Castro in the early 60s and he of course claimed plausible deniability.

Anonymous said...

His cult member missed that racist pig on purpose. His down line cultists planned this sacrificial stunt to make him look presidential instead of like a circus clown leading a violent group of sociopaths. His fat behind needs to drop out of the race now. He is a danger to our Democracy and safety.

Anonymous said...

Revelations 13:3

Anonymous said...

Government psy-ops. Don't fall for it.

R in NYC said...

10:22 Facts! If they wanted him dead, he'd been killed a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

I think it was staged and Trump paid that young man or made some promises or something. I’m sure they will start digging into his background. Media is already saying he was registered under the Republican Party. And he looks a little off.

Anonymous said...

There were witnesses and other ppl injured. Wasn't staged. Just wasn't Trumps time to go.

Anonymous said...

To: 10:22 AM

You broke it all the way down and no lies were told.

ttt said...

@10:22 am . This was a GREAT assessment. I agree with every word!!!

Anonymous said...

11:07 so what about witnesses. There were witnesses at all the mass shootings, JFk, Martin Luther King and Malcom ex's murders.

Anonymous said...

You can't always get what you want.

LOLOL said...

Sympathy Vote

A Day To Remember said...

@10:22 Bingo. We are not falling for it. #PublicityStunt

Anonymous said...

12:28. What's your point? Those were murders right? A man was killed. Those were real bullets. Look forward to more chaos this year. It's real. Not fake.

Anonymous said...

Thank you God, for saving President Trump's life! This was definitely a case of "divine intervention", nothing more, nothing less!

Ramon said...

Staged like a MF. Be forreal. 2 people got hit, but you heard zero screaming or crying after the shots. That's the biggest aha moment to me. Besides noon ne running at all. Zero panic which is weird. No screaming or crying, and people cheered afterwards

Anonymous said...

4:27 the point? There are Always witnesses! That's the point.

Anonymous said...

DEFINATELY a publicity stunt! The Secret Service scratched that boy on the ear with a safety pin after he slowly laid down on the ground. A high powered rifle would not leave a tiny wound like that, his ear would have been removed. You tried it GOP!

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