Sunday, July 28, 2024

Donald Trump Signals Dictatorship Plans?

Donald Trump raises eyebrows after telling Christian voters they won't have to worry about voting again if they show up for him in November...


Anonymous said...

And a lot of idiots will still vote for him because the message will go over their thick heads. But this is what we get for allowing him to get away with all his mess. If he wins I got my passport ready.

Chelle said...

It's scary because they ( his supporters) will do anything for him. Even kill ( insurrection).

Anonymous said...

The. New Rulership is being trained right under the world’s noses. When they see it their spirits will be vexed. It was far beyond what they were looking for.

Anonymous said...

Wighty is at their end.

Anonymous said...

Yea h in four years we won’t have to vote again because the cstranger/enemy will be gone

Anonymous said...

The radical leftist have taken President Trumps words out of context to paint a false narrative about him.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Lololol

Keep telling yourself that.

Anonymous said...

He even slipped up and said “I’m na’ Christian!” But begging for their votes. I hope people are really paying attention. The white women that raised over a million dollars for Harris, and all of those older folks in the Villages in Florida. I hope they stick to their votes for Harris.

LOLOL said...

He wants to change the laws so he can stay in office until his dying breath. DICTATOR

Anonymous said...

What's that saying to Muslims? We all better make sure we vote!

Anonymous said...

It’s very entertaining watching the downfall of those that are in power

Anonymous said...

Sucks to be him.

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie ain't shiiiiid.

Anonymous said...

I’m definitely not voting Trump in office. I’m glad Biden dropped out. Kamala makes me nervous but Trump ain’t it! That fearmongering talk of radical leftist doesn’t bother me one bit. We can see through the bs on both sides. The fact that a 20 year old Republican was used to do something so self sabotaging to attempt a assassination speaks volumes about Republicans as a whole.

LOLOL said...

^ The 20yr old belonged to a shooting club. Do you think he couldn't have shot him if he really wanted to.

Anonymous said...

This is purposely taken out of context as usual. Circle jerking fear porn for the reprobates!

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