Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Donald Trump NABJ Panel Goes Off the Rails

Today Donald Trump sat down with the National Association of Black Journalists for a question and answer session at their convention in Chicago.

The panel started with Trump attacking journalist Rachel Scott for not greeting him properly before leading with a hard-hitting question, and it only got worse from there...

Full Q&A below


Anonymous said...

Kamala was supposed to be at this event but she had scheduling conflicts

Anonymous said...

Why did she refer to him as Mr. President?

Anonymous said...

^That’s the proper way to address former U.S. Presidents.

Anonymous said...

What did they expect? You never give a liar a platform.

Anonymous said...

And I detest that fool but the first question was so inappropriate. It wasn't even framed in a way to open up any real dialogue so he had no choice but to be defensive. And we know he's an idiot but right out the gate her questions came off as an attack and then she expected him to give a cogent answer or engage in a sensible way. This is a complete joke and the poorest example of good journalism and interviewing. What a fail. I can't even watch any more of it.

LOLOL said...

^Are you a professional journalist?

R in NYC said...

He is so inarticulate it's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Kamala and Trump are in cahoots. Its all an act. Presidents are selected, never forget.

Anonymous said...

I guess that ear is fully healed, huh?!

Anonymous said...

That was a disgusting display from a former President of the United States. I'm repulsed!

Anonymous said...

How embarrassing! I just know he cheated his way through college.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't she have the same energy with Nancy Pelosi? Nancy said, "Am I speaking English to you?" The "journalist" meekly backed down.

Anonymous said...

When will a Black journalist ask Kamala about not doing anything for Black people then rattled off what she would for illegals. Locking Blacks for marijuana but not others? Letting go an illegal after he killed three people. Forcing black prisoners to fight fires after the judge told her several times to let them go.

Anonymous said...

@12:46am- Vice President Harris did NOT do any of those things. Get off of this site with your lies, Don, Jr., we recognize you!

Anonymous said...

@10:14 Yes she did! Do your research.

Anonymous said...

All you yts on here, SCAT!

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