Sunday, July 14, 2024

Divorce in the Black is the No.1 Movie Globally

Tyler Perry's, "Divorce in the Black," starring Megan Good, Cory Hardrict, Debbie Morgan and Richard Lawson is the No.1 movie globally on Amazon Prime Video...


Anonymous said...

Supposed to be the worst TP movie ever made and that's saying something.

Anonymous said...

The opening scene was wild, but if it was supposed to be a thriller, it failed miserably because it was pure comedy! True TP production 😩

Anonymous said...

That movie was good!! Everybody I know was talking about it.

Anonymous said...

Black people love make believe garbage. Thats why the Bible is their favorite book.

Ms. Transformation said...

It was a movie. That's what I got. It had your usual tropes, lack of depth, character development arches that was pushed too fast or not at all and just general head-scratching questions like "where dey do dat at?"

R in NYC said...

It was better than his usual fare but I still fast forwarded through the tedious parts. Tyler spends too much time preaching and I was shocked at so much use of the "n**ga" word and the profanity. It was like he was trying to push the envelope. Overall I give it a B-.

J.Swindell said...

More like an F+ for those two WTF moments. Guess we'll never get another movie like Family That Preys or Marriage Counselor.

Anonymous said...

Tyler Perry makes shit movies that blacks worship. Of course its #1. lmao!!

Anonymous said...

Its called rubber necking.....people said it was the worst TP film made so they watched just like they watched "Showgirls". Although, "Showgirls" is a trashy classic I can watch again.....I wouldn't watch this again.....

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