Thursday, July 04, 2024

Diddy the Subject of Federal Criminal Investigation

Back in March Bad Boy Entertainment CEO, Sean 'Diddy' Combs', homes in LA and Miami were raided by Homeland Security Agents [click here if you missed that]. 

Now insiders confirm Diddy is the subject of a federal criminal investigation...

Sean "Diddy" Combs' legal team was notified last week by federal authorities in the Southern District of New York that he is a subject of an ongoing criminal investigation, according to two sources familiar with Combs' ongoing legal troubles.
The same sources confirmed that a federal grand jury is hearing evidence as part of the investigation but there is no indication that charges are imminent.
A spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office declined to comment. Combs' lawyers did not respond to a request for comment.
A subject of an investigation is someone who is within the scope of a criminal investigation, according to legal experts. An individual is designated a target when prosecutors likely intend to seek an indictment from the grand jury against the person.


LOLOL said...

Sounds like they have found something on those tapes and in the house.
Hey Rus, you got room for one more?

R in NYC said...

Ok but word on the curb is Diddy works for the feds so how is this going to shake out? The fact he's not in hand cuffs yet says a lot

Anonymous said...

Well, I’m not celebrating his downfall. Those who he did wrong should get justice, though.

Anonymous said...

He represents Black Excellence? LOL!

Anonymous said...

A lot of civil law suits being announced but little action taken. Is the plan to bleed him dry on the civil and then bring the criminal charges when he can no longer afford the attorney's?

Anonymous said...

The criminal cases are the main priority. Everybody else just lining up for a check because Mrs Ventura got paid. He will probably never have pre-November 2023 wealth again so they pay outs for the civil cases will be light.

Anonymous said...

Kim Porter spirit is working overtime…

Anonymous said...

Diddy this your KARMA!!! NO ONE FEELS SORRY FOR YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

So what? He has the type of money that makes money. If people are after his money it's probably because he owes them. The time has come to pay up.

Anonymous said...

When will he be arrested?

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