Friday, July 05, 2024

Claudia Jordan Tests Positive for Covid -19

This week Claudia Jordan confirmed her Fox Soul show TEA-G-I-F had been canceled [click here if you missed that].

Now CJ has tested positive for Covid-19...


Anonymous said...

Time for another immunization.

LOLOL said...

Folks walking around like Covid vanished away. I still wear my mask in certain public and enclosed areas.
It was just announced on the news today there are new reports of another strain and ppl are being hospitalized. Live in denial if you want to.

Anonymous said...

Doctors in Ghana gargled with hydrogen peroxide not to get sick when treating ppl. So I found a mouthwash w peroxide in it. It prevents cold and flu. Plus Dental hygienist use it.

Anonymous said...

Get yo booster shot and it won’t be as bad as it could. See your dr and get the virals and steroids to heal sooner and better.

Anonymous said...

^ Why want you just wear a mask?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Probably not the only thing she's tested positive for.... 😏

Anonymous said...

I had covid twice and the last time it almost took me out. I thought life was over for me. I have never been that sick, tired, weak and in constant pain. I took the medicine my doctor prescribed and it was over in a week but that's the sickest I've ever been in my life. It took almost a year for me to get back to myself. I had a cough and a raspy voice but I'm here to tell you, that covid ain't nothing to play with.

Anonymous said...

Peroxide does not kill viruses.

Anonymous said...

Y'all falling for the COVID hoax again.

Anonymous said...

It's 2024 and the loonies still think COVID was a hoax. Folks were dropping like flies. I'm curious to know what they attributed that to.

LOLOL said...

1:10 PM
Chile you must live in the back woods somewhere. Covid is air born. Hydrogen peroxide is gargled after oral $ex. Just in case some unwanted juices run down your throat.
Of course, I really wouldn't know about it since I have no experience. I'm just going by what other ppl say.
Heehee... wink wink.

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