Monday, July 22, 2024

Chris Brown Accused of Assault

Chris Brown accused of assaulting male fans after his show in Ft. Worth Tx...

Attorney Tony Buzbee is representing the accusers.


R in NYC said...

Chris stay in some mess. The drug use has fried his brain. He has poor impulse control. Don't know if any of this is true or if he was provoked but he does have a history of violence.

LOLOL said...

He strong with his back up (coward). It's time for him to spend some time in Prison. CB has been getting away with since Riri. Probably before. I just don't know about it.

Anonymous said...

Ok but why the attorney had to be messy with that picture? 🤣🤣🤣 seems like he was doing good on his tour too. But this the US and if this is true, he can’t flee the country like he did when he cracked that man over the head with a bottle. Smh

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to put his @ss in a wheelchair.

Anonymous said...

@7:28 Omg when did that incident happen?! 😱 that’s crazy but not surprised. So many forget that after Rihanna’s attach, CB has had years of violent outbreaks with the most recent being his fight with Usher. The boy is not well and is dealing with trauma from his childhood like he said in the past that seems unhealed.

Anonymous said...

7:46 last year in London.

Anonymous said...

As someone said above, somebody needs to put Chris Brown in a wheelchair! Only then, will this violent, arrogant man realize the error of his ways!

Anonymous said...

I want to see more details before condemning Chris. Ninjas stay trying to provoke a man with strikes.

Anonymous said...

This sounds weird. No one got footage of this beat down? Not TMZ? No cell phone pics or vids? I need a little more before I believe this.

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