Thursday, July 11, 2024

Candace Owens Offended by Don Lemon Interview

Candace Owens calls out Don Lemon after he asks her offensive questions during an interview on The Don Lemon Show...


LOLOL said...

He baited you stupid. You have no words because you're a coward and afraid to tell the truth to his face. If you were asked that by a Yt person you wouldn't have a problem answering yes, along with some vile comments about gays.
DL will out smart you before your eyes open in the morning gurl. So, sit down and lick those wounds.
Don's out to let CNN know he don't need them. I hope he interviews Dump and humiliates him for the low life he is.

Anonymous said...

I'm not offended when people assume things about me that don't have merit. I laugh them off because they're silly. She just told on herself. And what did she expect to come out of this interview anyway? He's a homosexual Black man -- the two things she hates the most. She's a clown.

Ms. Transformation said...

She's a S8 fool. Clammering for people to adore her foolishness and feels she found the side that would grant her the shock-value platform she feels she deserves. She truly doesn't care about anything other than being famous and at parties where whyte people glorify themselves as worthy and decent. She's an ignorant, insecure and foul

R in NYC said...

Bwahahahaha that bish can dish it but she can't take it. Don ain't new to this and he's a very intelligent man. I miss him on CNN.

Anonymous said...

Who is clamoring for Don to be interviewed? Candace was slumming. Don had better take care of his husband before he starts asking for half.

Anonymous said...

I don’t feel sorry for that K. oon! One thing every other race in this country knows is who they are! Others look at hee just as ignorant as we do cause it’s obvious she’s selling her soul. If she was a G like she’s always claiming then she should have had a str8 up unapologetic answer.

Anonymous said...

I ain't never here for Don, but I'm here for this. I'm tired of these interviews where they agree on what's discussed. Especially with controversial people like her.

Don gained a little respect from me for calling her on her double standards. I hope he and others do more interviews like this.

Anonymous said...

Is he not a double standard? All the time he was on cnn he called white people white supremacist, white privilege, etc then goes home to suck on one.

Anonymous said...

Get her Don! She's a female Uncle Ruckus!

Anonymous said...

Two of a kind.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't care! This is only a troll's marketing tactics and strategies to get you to watch. Don't fall for it.

Anonymous said...

They're both one in the same!

Anonymous said...

According to a friend of my younger brother, the $700 is nothing in comparison to the millions he has given to Ukraine. Why? We require it, she replied. Because vs03 we don’t know why, it must be it. We possess citizenship.
Click the link…………………. GOOGLE WORK 

Anonymous said...

Her first mistake was going on his pitiful show.

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