Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bryan Abasolo Discusses Rachel Lindsay Fertility Issues

Last week The Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay's estranged husband, Bryan Abasolo, introduced the divorce coach helping him deal with the trauma from ending his marriage [click here if you missed that]. 

This week Bryan and his coach discuss his disappointment at not being able to have children with Rachel...

While shedding light on his divorce, Bryan Abasolo admitted that family planning with estranged wife Rachel Lindsay “broke my heart” as they struggled with expanding their family.
“I wanted kids like anybody else, but other things were made a priority, which put a lot of pressure on both of us,” Abasolo, 44, told his divorce coach, Rene Garcia, in a YouTube video shared on Saturday, July 20. “Women have a different biological clock than us. It was going to be me going along with a plan, but I was under a hell of a lot of stress.”
It was “tough” and “hard” to watch Lindsay, 39, struggle with fertility issues.
“It felt terrible. Just watching her sadness, it broke my heart,” Abasolo continued.”It was like I was failing expectations on all fronts.”


Anonymous said...

Discussing your soon to be ex-wife's fertility with US Magazine... You definitely are a disappointment.

R in NYC said...

Reality is when you wait so late to have children it may be difficult. I can't hate on them about that. That can be stressful and traumatic. So many unwanted children out here though. I wonder if they considered adoption.

Anonymous said...

Luckily she didn’t because she’d be paying child support.

Anonymous said...

8:56 that part.

LOLOL said...

He's a TV relationship that continues to want the spotlight. Not a marriage. If he really felt bad, he wouldn't be asking for spousal support. BA is on YouTube still talking about his divorce, instead of looking for more patients to support his failing practice.

Anonymous said...

I get that he was frustrated too, but he is absolutely trash for sharing something as intimate as her fertility issues. I never followed these people, so I don't care about them on that level, but discussing her personal medical problems shows how trifling he really is. He knows d*mned well that infertility is a sensitive and private matter for a woman ad he just blasted that to the world. This dude is human garbage.

Anonymous said...

I thank God everyday that I got my tubes tied when I did, because I never want to be tied to any of these new dudes out here. They are a whole new level of trifling.

Anonymous said...

I know she is glade a child wasn't produced because she would be paying 20k a month for child support for a weekend visit dad

Anonymous said...

He waited long himself

Anonymous said...

It wasn’t meant for her to have a child with him. That was her ancestors blocking what they could. He’s a pos.

Anonymous said...

She was 33/34 when they married, while most people have children in their twenties, early thirties should be prime. She probably knew the deal and secretly took the pill.

Notice how he said “ I wanted kids, but other things were priority” Dude got alimony because he wasn’t working. She didn’t want a SAHD. She barely says anything about him. He clinging to what’s left.

Anonymous said...

For Bryan to publicly discuss Rachel's fertility issues is beyond disgusting. He is trash! She should thank God that he blocked her from having his child. Now watch the next time she tries to get pregnant, BAM it will happen in the blink of an eye. God protected her from this fool and I hope she never looks back.

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