Thursday, July 18, 2024

Brandon Casey Survives Serious Car Accident

Brandon Casey from the singing group, "Jagged Edge," spends five days in ICU after being involved in a serious car accident in Atlanta....


Anonymous said...

Imagine spending countless hours in a factory, putting your blood sweat and tears into manufacturing a reliable car, only for people to never even give you a thank you when your hard work save their lives.

R in NYC said...

Wow ...he's very blessed he survived that.

Anonymous said...

7:19, ìn that car, 9 times outta 10, he was the one speeding anyway.

Anonymous said...

He was T-Boned. Looks deliberate. I wonder who called in his contract? Diddy or Dupree?

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for saving Brandon's life.
It's funny because the song Let's Get Married popped into my head last weekend and I couldn't stop singing it until Monday morning when it left. We be praying for people even when we don't know it. God sure is good.

Anonymous said...

Jagged Edge hasn't had a hit in 20 years, and they weren't even signed to Bad Boy, so Puffy has no reason to off him. Jermaine ain't even thinking about this dude. Let's use our adult brains and not our lizard brains, and stay away from the conspiracy theories on this one, mmkay?

Anonymous said...


Its called religious retardation. Why would God ignore the millions of innocent starving and abused children around the world but NOT ignore a washed up Rnb singer?

Angels in heaven: "God come look at this! I see a young girl about to be r4ped, do something please!"

God: "Nah I gotta rescue Brandon from Jagged Edge! I gotta make sure he makes another bop, because that last album was incredible"

Anonymous said...


You sound dumb as heck. Life is not what you see in the AMC theatre. Nothing is working for you, you are here to work for something.

Angels could in the form of humans, fate... matter fact I don't know your beliefs and you have the right to believe in what you want.

But you still sound dumb as heck, f**** iRobot syndrome trying to rationalize and criminalize this man because he believes his life was spared by a tantamount of factors one of them being his God.

Anonymous said...

Next example going to be all the dead baby animals that lie victim to the lion, tiger, bear, birds that hunt prey. Right, in your idealistic reality it's flipping rainbows and butterflies around here.

Anonymous said...

7:19 AM imagine being smart and stfu. Leave the man alone douchebag

Anonymous said...

What looks deliberate about this accident?? Are you an investigator for this case or are you jumping to conclusions from one picture?

Anonymous said...

Christians are slow as hell. Pay them no mind.

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