Thursday, July 25, 2024

Boosie Slams Racist Prosecutor

Last week Baton Rouge rapper Boosie Badazz tearfully celebrated his felony gun charges being dropped [click here if you missed that]. 

Welp, the charges have been reinstated with an additional drug charge to boot...

Boosie broke the unfortunate news while on vacation with his family. 


LOLOL said...

I can't stand him.

Anonymous said...

If you had guns and drugs, I

Anonymous said...

This clown always talking about rats and stitches, he said nothing when his white daddy Vlad snitched on that black female professor to try to get her fired, he's trash!

Anonymous said...

Hd should look to se if that prosecutor is...Gay! LOL

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaa what happened Boosie, I thought God was good!???!!

Vernell said...

Boosie, Take Your Badass & GO AWAY!!! The Law Is The Law!!! ~ A Youngman Is Serving Life For Crimes That He Committed (He Said & Took It Back, He Didn't Want To Wear The Snitch Label In Prison) For You!!!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't his attorney explain to him that there's a high probability this would happen?

Jcee said...

These black men love bringing race into things when they arse be all the way in the wrong either YOU had guns and drugs or you didn’t ! Mind you this fool was on IG in the same outfit on the same day with the same gun! If my memory serves me correctly! If it wasn’t your guns or drugs then say whose it was

Jcee said...

It would be different if he said they planted evidence or something he knows he can’t say that. I do belive they also caught him trying to get the bodyguard or someone else to say the stuff was theirs. It’s ppl like him that mess it up for the truly innocent ppl and ppl who really face racial discrimination. It seems these dudes don’t want to be held accountable for their crimes!

R in NYC said...

Maybe he should stop doing f**k ish and he wouldn't have these problems. Hard to feel sorry for a repeat offender.

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