Saturday, July 13, 2024

Bill Cosby Determined to Make a Comeback

Against all odds embattled comedian Bill Cosby determined to make a comeback...

Despite being physically frail and legally blind, disgraced 87-year-old comedian Bill Cosby is said to still be harboring delusional dreams of a comeback, can reveal.
Sources reveal the tone-deaf former sitcom star is too bull-headed to heed advice on how to make that happen, including to settle alleged victim's civil lawsuits.
The formerly beloved TV dad was sprung from prison in 2021 on a technicality after serving three years of a ten-year sentence for the rape of Andrea Constand — and cockily announced he would launch a stand-up tour to kick his career back into gear.
But the onetime Jell-O Pudding Pops huckster has heard crickets from theater and club bookers — and sources told us it's because he refuses to settle his legal issues.
Cosby still faces civil lawsuits from 17 women who allege he drugged and sexually assaulted them in a pattern of brutish behavior stretching back nearly 60 years.
"With his shattered reputation, it will be a big challenge to mount any kind of comeback — but the thinking is that if he didn't have all these lawsuits hanging over his head, he might get some gigs," an insider told us.
"Bill is delusional," the source continued. "He believes he's innocent and plans to fight the allegations."
A source added that with Cosby still sitting on a $400 million fortune from his heyday, he could dole out enough to wipe his slate clean — and even his long-suffering wife, Camille, 80, has told him as much.
"He's just shooting himself in the foot," an insider sniped. "He'll be in his grave before these suits wind their way through court. Meanwhile, his dream of getting back onstage is dashed."


R in NYC said...

Bwahahahaha 🤣😭🤣😞😂🤣

Anonymous said...

I’m glad Bill is going down, but Woody Allen should have gotten he same treatment for marrying his daughter.

Anonymous said...

Bill's not going down. Bill is just getting old. In his head he's 40 years younger. His handlers just need to keep feeding him pudding pops and nod their head at his stage requests. Bill will never go broke.

LOLOL said...

He misses the center stage. There are no applauds left for Bill. Only BOoooo's. Nobody wants to hear that.

No Chiraq said...

Let Bill dream.

Anonymous said...

Bill loves this system soooo much he wants a do over. Hats off to your comeback Mr Bill Cosby.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bill has cognitive dissidents to the fact that he has been exposed

Anonymous said...

Get it bill

Anonymous said...

Uh, he could never. Hey what ever happened to his blind act? FOH

Anonymous said...

Bill got the same thinking skills as Biden.

Anonymous said...

the pic looks like hide your babies and don't leave your drinks unattended

Anonymous said...

Hope he ends up where he deserves. Hell

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