Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Bikers Who Jumped Rick Ross Linked to Drake

This week rapper Rick Ross was attacked in Canada after playing Kendrick Lamar's Drake diss track, "Not Like Us," at the end of his show [click here if you missed that].

Apparently the attackers were members of the Canadian branch of the Hell's Angels motorcycle gang who are linked to Drake...


After the beat down Drake shared a pic of a Hells Angles motorcycle.


Anonymous said...

Well. let’s not act like Kendrick just didn’t have Bloods and Crips uniting together in the name of BS! Don’t try to act like Not Like Us is a positive song uniting all in the name of wholesome fun!

Sunno said...

11:20 Unification isn't always fun and wholesome, but it is always what's needed.

Anonymous said...

Gangs need to be gone but I will choose Black people uniting vs. a Canadian colonizer cosplaying as a Black man using racists to beat up Black people. Not surprised to see Snoop and Ice Cube associated with these types. They will take money from anyone. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Bloods and Crips represent something horrible, however the Hells Angeles are worse representing strong hate against other races (as shown). For black people to align themselves with a known racist organization is beyond asinine, and also any gang. I hope all involved gets swift justice. Drake has it coming to him!

Anonymous said...

Black men kill each other everyday. Solve that problem talking about racist this and that.

Anonymous said...

People kill other people daily, all races, you solve it!

Anonymous said...

To: 11:20 AM

First of all, They Not Like Us and the Pop Out on Juneteenth is a great thing. Those were two sides of black people on stage that were always at odds but came together that night in the spirit of unity. That's called growth. But this biker gang that Drake wants to align himself with is very telling and confirms he's not like us. Let him keep telling on himself and stay in Canada where he belongs. I hope they keep exposing him.

Anonymous said...

This also explains why Snoop and Cube weren't there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they don't like that song. Why was Ross standing there. Maybe he wanted to fight. And yes stop these black kids from killing each other. Let them know it's a business for prisons. And there are cameras everywhere.... you been set up.

Anonymous said...

Br serious! I’m over that ‘people get killed everyday’ crap.

HOOD AND BLACK CULTURE IS TOXIC. Go to a large gathering of black people and watch someone shoots into the crowd from an argument over something trivial. White people kill each other but not at the rate of you ignorant slow azz ninjas.

Anonymous said...

Talking about you solve it and you laying low on the ground from getting hit by a stay bullet. But you want to act like Hell’s Angels is a problem. FOR WHO??!! Are they in your neighborhood shooting up the block??!! H3LL NO! Dummy!

Anonymous said...

It was cameras everywhere when King Von got shot. They don’t care. It’s all about revenge.

Anonymous said...

It’s over for Drake. Him rubbing shoulders with the racist Black-hating Hell’s Angels isn’t even in the same hemisphere as K.Dot uniting the west coast players.

Drake will find out. That’s not a threat. Just a premonition.

Anonymous said...

Bih, Black culture IS American culture. Be gone!

Anonymous said...

@2:56pm- You SHOW know exactly what to say!

Anonymous said...

Culture is to cultivate. Being a degenerate is just that. Thats not culture. And there will be more cameras..face recognition. They don't realize enough to care. But don't matter if you know or care..it's a set up.

LOLOL said...

These simple Mother F are fighting and killing over WHAT? This is nothing to be losing your life over. GET a skill, job and education.

Anonymous said...

You liars. There were Black men whooping on him too. Canada isn't race based like we are here , so cut it out. They are all cool up there. Drake had nothing to do with it. That is Snoop Doggs artist Merkules. They are not racist, they asked Ross multiple times not to play that song and he called them White Boys and got his whole crew whooped down. Old fat fool. Lol As Black Americans we can't keep falling for the media push for a fake race war. Drake is Black. His Black dad is from Memphis. Canadians are not our enemies. Who really sent Ross? Don't delete my comment.

Anonymous said...

"In a KKK-style attack, seventeen outlaws from the biker gang Hell's Angels chased down and viciously attacked three Black men back in June. Now, three months later, a grand jury has indicted the gang on criminal and hate crime charges."
@ 7:37 PM...Now what were you saying about those innocent, color -blind Canadians?

Anonymous said...

44 people total were shot in 39 shooting incidents in the city from 6 p.m. Friday to 11:59 p.m. Sunday. Eight of the shooting victims, including one fatality, were 18 or younger. One shooting victim was 12, police say.

The gun violence spilled into the overnight hours, as Sunday turned to Monday and the work week began.

Police reported another three shootings from just after midnight until just after 4 a.m. Monday.

That included the fatal shooting of a 44-year-old man in the 1400 block of South Morgan Street, near the University of Illinois Chicago campus, a little after 4 a.m. Monday.

Anonymous said...

@2:55 There is an entire Channel , hello ID Discovery, Dateline, 48 hrs, 20/20, etc. Devoted to show how much whites are really killing each other. You're too stupid to realize of course the nightly news spreads one-sided news, and you're the type of ignorant person they know believes every word.

Anonymous said...

@8:28am, 2:55/2:56 is ABSOLUTELY right and you are incorrect. I live in MEMPHIS, TN, the murder capital of the United States. Every-Single-Day one of us gets murdered and attempted to be murdered BY ONE OF US. EVERY-SINGLE-DAY. The KKK began in Tennessee, and WE have put them out of business here. Research it! And, yes, I DO watch those news shows.

Anonymous said...

So Rick Ross went to CANADA, Drakes country and played a song dissing Drake, and your surprised that he got his ass whopped?? Does it matter that they were Hells Angels? if it was a black clique, you would approve?
He got what he was asking for. Period!!!

Anonymous said...

They just proved they are exactly like us!!!
What would've happened to Drake if he would've been up in Cali playing one of his diss songs???

Anonymous said...

Black people always want respect but never wanna give it. They wanna act a fool and not be a Roman when in Rome. Then when dealt with they cry racism. No one can call them out on their nonsense.

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