Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Beyoncé Gives Kamala Harris Permission to Use Her Music

Three days ago Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take his place [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Beyoncé has given her de facto endorsement by granting Kamala permission to use her music for the campaign...

From Variety
Kamala Harris is feeling her “Freedom,” with an official nod from Beyoncé. The presumed Democratic candidate for the presidency entered her campaign headquarters Monday night to the tune of that rousing anthem from Beyoncé’s 2016 “Lemonade” album, and CNN later reported that Harris had gotten the superstar’s express permission to use the song on the campaign trail just hours earlier.
CNN’s report said that a source close to Harris revealed that, “just hours before she walked out to the song,” Beyoncé’s camp offered Harris’ team approval to blast “Freedom” not just Monday night but “throughout her presidential campaign.”


LOLOL said...

Alrighty now let's do it. Freedom from Project 2025.

Anonymous said...

Whatever. Two shape shifting women who only assert their Blackness when they need something from us. Otherwise, they be right there doing the YT shuffle.

Anonymous said...

Well, we need something from them. We need them to topple Trump. If Kamala wants to use somebody’s music then give it up.

Anonymous said...

I’m cool with it. Let’s go, Kamala!

Anonymous said...

Lmao Sony gave permission.

Anonymous said...

That's how owning your masters work. Yes Bey!

Anonymous said...

YAZZZZ!!! Let's GO Kamala!!! 🔥🔥🔥💙💙💙

Anonymous said...

An AKA from Howard Univ is BLK so she can use it however she wanna use it (or not)!

Anonymous said...

@12:06 Kamala grew up eating at the Panther's free breakfast program in Oakland. Her parents were deep in the intellectual formation of the 60's movements. She was marching for civil liberties as a Black person when she was three. How long you been Black?

Anonymous said...

12:06 at some point when you work in corporate America or outside your hood’ you have to put on that 9-5 voice. Doesn’t mean you’re still not black when you go home.

Anonymous said...

I guess that's why she felt right at home locking up so many BLACK men when she was a DA, huh? FOH. Claiming how Black she is based on what her parents did and how she pledged is like claiming Clarence (Uncle) Thomas is Black because he's from the South and got down with Anita Hill. As I said, she Black when she wanna be Black. And I'm very Black. Worked the high levels of the federal government, was regularly promoted and highly respected and yet I chose not to bend over for the man from 9-5 just because, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Kamala needs to choose a qualified white women as a running mate!! Force the powers that be to accept an all female ticket. Make American great again white women, show us that you DO believe in sisterhood and split the white vote! Set up the 2028 election so that its all female!!

Shafrika Lights said...

Who gives a flying doo doo bird. How is Beyonce relevant at all. She partied with the Diddler for over a decade. Her credibility is shot to hell.

Anonymous said...

Everybody in entertainment has been to a Diddy party.....yall just pick and choose who to point the finger at

Anonymous said...

@3:06 Were you one of the trifling black thug men she locked up? Here's a thought, stop being a criminal! Only criminals should care about getting locked up. Law abiding black men don't fear it or care so let it go!

gaygaygay said...

Its all cap anyways

Anonymous said...

3:06 that was proven to be a lie. She actually tried to help black men stay out of jail. But carry on…🤔

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