Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Barber Shop Owner Claims He was Tricked by the Trump Campaign

Last week Rocky's Barber Shop in Atlanta went viral after holding a campaign event for Donald Trump, where the former president bragged that his mugshot made him more popular with Black and Hispanic voters [click here if you missed that]. 

After losing business, the barber shop owner now says he was misled by the Tump campaign...


Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a sign that said something about Blacks for Trump? I believe he knew exactly what the event was about. He wasn't expecting the backlash he received. I don't feel bad for him.

Anonymous said...

Oh so now you were dupped. Yeah right you knew what was going on. Now that your business took a hit you wanna cry. N!g please. Don't play with your black card.

LOLOL said...

If Ben Carson name is involved, then you should have known to run the other way. If you don't talk politics in your shop, then you're not keeping up with what effects your business. I call BS on your claim of not knowing what political party was going to be a part of this forum. Suffer the consequences simp.

Anonymous said...

Black man attempting to exercise his intellectual dexterity and getting screwed over. The jokes tell themselves.

Anonymous said...

He thinks we're stupid.

R in NYC said...

That will teach him for being stupid.

Anonymous said...

@9:30am, you SHOW know what to say!

Anonymous said...

Ask Amber Rose to come in with her friends and support his business. Better yet ask Mega to support him and show their love for his black business.

Anonymous said...

Whew the comments did NOT disappoint. He tried it.

Anonymous said...

The orange one uses blacks as props. He should have know that he would be used and then put away wet after this event. Vote Biden!

Anonymous said...

Im not a Republican
But the Democrats uses the black people too
Then after they win, they never do nothing for us either

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