Thursday, July 11, 2024

Azealia Banks Attends Trump Rally in Miami

Longtime Trump supporter Azealia Banks [click here if you missed that], spotted at a Trump rally in Miami...


Anonymous said...

I don’t blame her. The Dumbocrats have not one better contender than Dementia Joe.
I’m not a fan of Trump but Biden is not the pick either. He will give another billions to Ukraine and we’re dealing with increasing rents/mortgage, higher food costs and the same pay!

Anonymous said...

Tragic negress.

Anonymous said...

So she's good with Project 2025. People truly need to educate themselves on what dictatorship rules Republicans are trying to put in place to make America Great Again for themselves, which only benefit those who look like them.

R in NYC said...

Who takes her serious? She's a whole 🤡

LOLOL said...

Ask him to save your glass house that you're losing. Maybe he'll hire you to sing one of failed charting songs at his rally's.
He doesn't know you gurl or see you. You're sitting behind him. When I give someone my back it means I don't see you. Learn it. And that wig looks like a wig.

Ms. Transformation said...

I haven't seen not one respectable Black person support trump. It always has-been, whures, fools and con people.

Anonymous said...

Her wigs always look dusty.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed every Black politician and woman Biden uses loses their job. Stacey Abrahms, Symone Sanders, Keisha Bottoms, Andrea Lawful Sanders ... Master Biden uses and discards his mammies.

Anonymous said...

11:40 did you get lost on your way to the Trump rally?

Anonymous said...

I may be showing my age here but those folks have been producing those policy blueprints since Ronald Regan's time in the 80's. Project 2025 is simply the latest version. It really shouldn't be but it's funny how you all allow yourselves to be herded like cattle. Knowledge is power, don't be a goofy.

Anonymous said...

12;24 is it your turn to be used and discarded by Joe Bide?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever noticed that the majority of Trump supporters are unhinged? I am not surprised by this.

Anonymous said...

She's down bad bad and obviously trying to get an envelope. What a Doofus!

Anonymous said...

1:49 So you assume I'm a Democrat? I'm an independent. Now get back to your Trump rally.

Anonymous said...

Up top, ain't nobody goofy and you are showing your age but you're coming off as senile. Don't rewrite history or downplay facts. Yes, this type of YT supremacy doctrine has been around for decades but the difference is Dump filled the courts with uber conservative judges and right wing nutbags whose legal decisions will stand as precedent and literally change the course of history, impacting the basic human rights of millions of minorities, women, etc., and lead to a potential autocracy where one party can overrule and overthrow the other without retribution or consequence. Reaganomics was a different animal and played out much differently. These fools want to dismantle the Board of Education and have the FBI answer solely to and serve only the President. Now how is that similar in any way to previous presidencies? Our democracy will basically be in the toilet and you on here trynna gaslight.

Anonymous said...

7:14 I agree. This election is bigger than Trump and Biden. It’s project 2025 vs the people. And with republicans being majority in the Supreme Court and Congress, we absolutely need a democratic president. People worried about Joe, like his VP not ready to step in. I don’t think he has 4 more years in him but I’m voting for him anyway.

Anonymous said...

Blacks need a racist a President Democrat for what? What has he done or will do for you? Jim Clyburn told joe don't do anything for blacks because they will not go anywhere but vote for him. He will bring in more illegals to disenfranchised you. Allow illegals to vote and giving away your money and sending you to fight in a war to steal more of your money.

Dwight said...

7:11 Lol we don't believe you. Carry on to the plantation. Yessir.

Anonymous said...

Illegal migrants will take over votes from blacks lol. Democrats discarded ya'll.

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