Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Angela Simmons Apologizes for Gun Shaped Purse

Six years ago Angela Simmons' son's father, Sutton Tennyson, was gunned down in his driveway in Atlanta [click here if you missed that], and she is currently dating rapper Yo Gotti who's brother was shot and killed in Memphis earlier this year [click here if you missed that].

Now Angela is apologizes for carrying a bag shaped like a gun to the BET Awards...

In a video shared on Instagram stories Angela insists she is a peaceful person and only carried the bag because she thought it was a fashion moment. Nothing more, nothing less.

As the backlash grew Angela put her apology in writing.


Chelle said...


Anonymous said...

1. She's so corny.
2. The purse wasn't even that cute.
3. The dress and purse barely matched, for her to go out of her way to wear them together.

Anonymous said...

The dress was tacky, the purse..tackier, and the shoes, don't even get me started! The entire look was a fail, and yes she is so corny!

Anonymous said...

What could possibly fit in that thing?

Anonymous said...

His she still dating that guy. Why wasn't he with her. Did he see her beforehand? And if so why didn't he stop her. She made a bad choice now she has to suffer the consequences.

Anonymous said...

Ditzy. I do like the dress tho. Other than that, why was she invited? What does she do???????

LOLOL said...

I looked at the front and several seats behind the front row. The ppl like her and the food truck guy are nobody in the industry. What happened to the real Black talent in this country?

9:23 Gott-no was sitting next to her at the awards.

Anonymous said...

She wanted attention and got it. She likes dating drug dealers, got pregnant by one and is trying to marry the drug dealing rapper who has people dying around him. She likes guns, just say that. I don't care.

R in NYC said...

Why is she even considered a celeb? She's corny and ultra boring.

Anonymous said...

Angela is corny and dry as a bagel without cream cheese. Sit down you cornball! Nobody cares

LOLOL said...

I don't know why she was there since she is nobody. Yes Gott-no was sitting next to her.
This is a woman that went to one of the most prestige's Fashion Design schools and still dresses like a country bumpkin.
Stop dropping my post tired @$$ website. You let these spammers take over, while you are sleeping.

Chris said...

Be more like Reginae Carter......just because dad is famous does not mean we need to see you. Please stay behind the scenes. This was giving attention seeker.

A Day To Remember said...

Her apology appears well written and sincere. I am sure that she has learned from this experience.

Anonymous said...

5:23 Someone wrote it for her.

Anonymous said...

oh please that's not even an apology that's just gaslighting. "U saw me do that BUT ALL MY LIFE i was about peace. so i will CONTINUE to represent peace". nothing but gaslighting

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