Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Amber Rose to Speak at the Republican National Convention

Two months ago women's rights advocate Amber Rose raised eyebrows after endorsing Donald Trump for president [click here if you missed that].  

Now Amber has been tapped to speak at the Republican National Convention...

Amber confirmed the news after rumors about her speaking engagement circulated online. 


Anonymous said...

No surprise here. Trump loves a heaux and this one will do anything for attention. Perfect match.

Anonymous said...

Good for her

Anonymous said...

I see all that schooling finally paid off for Amber

Anonymous said...

And this is where we are. Wisdom has clearly left the building. Wighty is done.

Anonymous said...

Time to shame the sl*t.

Anonymous said...

Not a surprise. I’m done voting Dumbocrat myself! It’s like the blind leading the d@mn blind!

Anonymous said...

She shames herself. We''re just her audience.

Anonymous said...

Chrisette Michelle and Stacey Dash went this route and it didn't go well. She better hope she lands a big fish with this stunt. Funny thing in trying to land a sugar daddy, she's old (by those standards) with 2 kids. No one will take her seriously. They like 'em young and child free.

R in NYC said...

How many of them old Republican farts she had to f*** for this? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

LOLOL said...

Most of them KKK folks don't know who she is and may think she is Yt. If she doesn't bring her Black kids, she might get away with it. I hope she is getting paid, but the amount is never enough with Dump. Black folks don't want nothing to do with her anyway. Shes canceled.

Anonymous said...

Candace must be feeing the sting, no invite on the level Amber just received and she's been riding for years for a dictatorship leader.

Anonymous said...

Fitting. Just like Ambuhhh, the magaT GOP adds nothing of value to society. It is a party filled with people who violate women and children, people who embrace stupidity, thieves, corporate whores and regular whores. Congrats to her. She has found true her tribe.

Anonymous said...

She ain’t blk, never was.

Anonymous said...

Of course she is! When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. When they finally throw her away whenever they're done with her, I don't want to see black people coddling her when she tries to come back. Let her stay with them other folks. Don't let her come back! They propped Young Pharaoh up, he was announced to speak at the RNC, then the day before the event they cancelled him. His mind ain't been right since and the boy done had a nervous breakdown.

Anonymous said...

Stupid is as stupid does. SMDH

Anonymous said...

Where did she get that dumb a** chain from?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You go lotta leaves those sluts at the ho stroll.

Anonymous said...

This is all an attention show for this flop-thot. When it's all over and done with, she'll be back on the curb slut-walking.

A Day To Remember said...

So, the "Slut Walk" founder is going to speak at the convention of the party that is supposedly pro-family values. Not to mention, the Republican party is all about stripping women, such as herself, of their bodily autonomy. Some people vote against their own best interest. You can't make this up.

Anonymous said...

Is she the best they can pay?

Anonymous said...

Use a current pic that shows the scribbles on her forehead

Anonymous said...

It's be different if I considered her educated and versed on politics. This is just Fyre Fest guy's hard work recruiting Black celebrities to shuck and jive. The women clearly was calling him a rapi.. a few years ago. Way to stay relevant and prove Joselyn right.

Anonymous said...

This vapid chick has a tatoo on her forehead. Nobody will take her seriously anywhere.....these racists included.

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