Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Amber Rose Faces Backlash From Republicans

This week Amber Rose spoke at the Republican National Convention after endorsing Donald Trump for president [click here if you missed that].

Not everyone on the right is happy about Amber's endorsement and the decision to allow her to address the convention...

During her speech Amber declared that MAGAs are her people.

Meanwhile "her people" were online revolting against the Republican Party because of her. 



R in NYC said...

Bwahahahaha!🤣🤣🤣🤣 They're all looking extra hypocritical and stupid supporting a clueless, slut loving, sinful Lifestyle having woman whose claim to fame is definitely who she has slept with.

Anonymous said...

She's not just a slut, she's a stupid slut. Ask the Central Park 5 if Trump is a racist. Ask Obama's birth certificate if Trump is a racist. Ask anyone Black who tried to rent an apartment from the Trump organization if Trump is a racist. Shut up until you know what you're talking about; Amber.

Anonymous said...

How you gonna listen to a young woman who lost her man to an 80-year old?

Anonymous said...

Republicans don't need Black people anymore. The rogue Republicans have gone into the fold and joined the MAGA heads and they have JD Vance who is approved by the Evangelicals.

The Evangelicals are the ones who got Trump in the White House in 2016 and they're getting ready to vote him into office again.

Y'all better read up on Project 2025 (just google it) because that's what coming next.

Trump and his deplorable cohorts know exactly what they're doing and they don't even need us. They played Black people. We are just part of the circus (the clowns and monkeys)... just part of showtime.

R in NYC said...

Project 2025 has been around since the Reagan era under a different name. It's the same game.

Anonymous said...

Amber is griftin'. That's what she does best, but even the Republicans aren't here for that.

Maybe she can get over frontin' for RF Kennedy Jr. LOL

LOLOL said...

No one takes her seriously. There's no debate about her support for Dump.
We know she sluts around but when did she become a porn star. Does she have a tape out on Porn Hub?
Not sure how they can talk about her when the man they want as president is a felon, liar, thief, sexual pervert, adulterous, prejudice etc...

Anonymous said...

I think she qualifies as a corn star bc I remember seeing her vajina in photos. That’s close enough for me. And she ain’t Blk!

Ms. Transformation said...

Not sure how Amber Rose qualifies for the "Diversity" voice for anyone. That woman IS NOT BLACK. She f around with black dudes....does that make one black? If so, I guess the whole K and Khloe Kartrashians are black too. And it seems all of these women they are black by injection

Anonymous said...

She is right. Those are her people. The magaT GOP is filled with whores who will do anything for a dollar, willfully dumb people ignoring actual facts so they can pretend they aren’t flaming idiots and morally bankrupt people trying to hide their trifling ways by villainizing everyone else. I hope she and her new sugar daddies are happy together forever.

Anonymous said...

People need to quit regurgitating the same stupid trope about Project 2025 being around since Reagan, just under a different name. Do you even know what you're talking about? It's NOT the same game and informed people can see there are major differences and serious implications afoot.

Reagan was a plant like Trump but this is not 1984. Forty years have gone by and these YTs have become more radicalized than ever. Yes, conservative based doctrines under Reagan and presidents that followed him existed but they didn't outline specific ways to overthrow the government, install a dictator, remove all kids of human rights, change the entire civil service hiring structure, dismantle the Board of Education, turn the FBI into Trump's private security team, militarize state police, etc. Quit dumbing down important information. This is no joke! And Trump only distances himself because he hasn't won yet. But let this Orange cluck get in the White House and see how fast his head spins to sign on the dotted line. Learn something and Wake Up! But if you're too lazy let me help you.

Anonymous said...

Imagine trying to build your party around being a wholesome Christian where the white male is the head of the household and his wife is there to take care of the home and children…then you have Amber who doesn’t fit that narrative? Lol she’s an embarrassment to their party just like that violent Trump cult.

Anonymous said...

Her want of being viewed as a wyte woman and the GOP viewing her a conservative POC, have clearly gotten misconstrued. Getting popcorn and wine ready! LOL!

R in NYC said...

11:38 It is the same doofus and you writing paragraphs about it doesn't change that fact. Go do YOUR research before you insult black people about ongoing racist crap that's been around for decades under different names. FOH troll!

Anonymous said...

^Spoken like a true, uniformed imbecile. You didn't read a thing I wrote because I said nothing racist and I'm actually trying to educate my BLACK people. Stick to discussing gossip lady. SMH.

Anonymous said...

@12:31 No, it's not.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Go Amber go! This is exciting news. Job well done bi-racial queen.

Anonymous said...

Why you'll mad. She ain't black. So......

A Day To Remember said...

She played herself. Not even looking out for her own best interests.

R in NYC said...

12:34 bwahahahaha....girl bye! How bout you stick to staying your dumb azz off this site if you can't handle other opinions and facts. Who asked you to come educate anyone? Go educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

This is 8:40am here. I initally mentioned Project 2025. It doesn't make any difference if it's been around since Hamilton because it is real now.

Look at the laws enacted in Florida and Texas over the last few years. Those states control the Black history narrative in education. Look at the demolishment of Roe vs Wade. Look at the Supreme Court.

Trump is making it happen. Look at the judges Trump put in place in 2016. THAT is his legacy. THAT is the work he's doing for the conservatives. THAT is what been most effective.

And Trump will continue in 2024. He will most likely be the next president now that he's chosen Vance. Vance will get the Evangelicals out to vote. THAT is the biggest problem for the DEMS.

Y'all can continue to drag each other over Project 2025, just VOTE blue come November because staying home and voting for third party is a vote for Trump.

Carry on with draggin'.

Anonymous said...

DEFINATELY a publicity stunt! The Secret Service scratched that boy on the ear with a safety pin after he slowly laid down on the ground. A high powered rifle would not leave a tiny wound like that, his ear would have been removed. You tried it GOP!

Anonymous said...

@1:45 AM You spit no facts. All you did was repeat a soundbite you probably heard while rinsing out your dirty pee stained drawers at 4am.It's official. You're boring AND stupid.

Anonymous said...

You spoke no facts! You just repeating stupid soundbites, which makes you sound lame and uneducated.

Anonymous said...

I see somebody keep running to get my post deleted because they can't handle the truth. Fk them and Fk you too.

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