Friday, July 12, 2024

Amber Rose Explains Why She's Voting for Trump

Two months ago pop culture figure Amber Rose shocked her core fan base after announcing her endorsement of Donald Trump for president [click here if you missed that].

Amber explains why she's backing Trump...

Amber tells Lara Trump that Donald Trump is an alpha male that makes her feel safe.


Anonymous said...

You will know them by their stripes, this one wears hers on her forehead. Boy things have changed.

Anonymous said...

no one cares ma'am

Anonymous said...

Amber needs to lay off the Botox and expand her vocabulary. Trumpeta needs to lay off the 'roids. Them veiny biceps though. Eeeek!!. This was a useless interview and they both sound dumb and full of baseless propaganda. The only thing I learned was Amber let her YT daddy convince her Dump ain't a racist but she couldn't discuss a single useful thing about his policy or plan other than he gonna make 'Merica great again.

Anonymous said...

@7:38 real talk! This presidential election will not be a high school beauty contest. Policy is the focus!

Anonymous said...

Pop culture figure?? Lol

Anonymous said...

So Amber is all for Project 2025

Anonymous said...

So you are on board on black replacement?

R in NYC said...

This woman will do anything to remain in the Hollyweird spotlight. I'm not buying what she's selling. I'm not down with her slut walk or her slut talk.🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

This bish voting based on daddy issues. Go heal.

LOLOL said...

Ok, so she thinks Dump is an alpha male. Is she basing that knowledge on her pick of baby daddies or the men that have used, abused and dumped her? Gurl shut your simple mouth up. You are not a celebrity star. You're just a tramp that's been run through.

Anonymous said...

She ain’t Blk so whatever

Anonymous said...


A Day To Remember said...

This is the most stupid reason to vote for a candidate. She should have kept that to herself.

Anonymous said...

She's pretty but that forehead tattoo was a DUMB decision. She looks ridiculous.

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