Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Young Jeezy Seeking Parental Fitness Evaluation in Bitter Child Custody Battle

Rapper Young Jezzy and TV personality Jeannie Mai have been fighting over custody of their daughter Monaco ever since Jeezy filed for divorce, less than three years after tying the knot [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Jeezy wants a judge to order a parental fitness evaluation for himself and Jeannie...

Jeezy is requesting "relief" in a new filing in his divorce battle with his estranged wife, Jeannie Mai. The rapper has asked a judge to order a "parental fitness exam" for him and Mai and also to be granted "joint physical custody" of their daughter.
This filing comes after Jeezy received support from his ex-partner Mahi and his daughter's nanny, who testified to his peaceful parenting. Mahi emphasized Jeezy's caring nature despite legal disputes over child support.
Since filing for divorce from Jeannie Mai, Jeezy has been accused of domestic violence by the former talk show host, allegations that he has denied.
According to a new legal document obtained by The Blast, rapper Jeezy has asked the judge in his divorce for several reliefs, including joint physical custody of his daughter, Monaco.
Jeezy wants the judge presiding over the case to "order" a "parental fitness evaluation for" him and Mai and also award him "joint physical custody of" their "minor child."
He also requests that the court enter his proposed "temporary parenting plan order" and that the judge "award temporary child support pursuant to statutory guidelines."
In the document, Jeezy has asked that the judge set a "final trial" for his divorce on "the next available trial calendar."


Anonymous said...

Snitch these custody battles are not gossip. It is their own personal drama and relationship issues.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:01 am—Jeezy and Jeannie chose to make a private matter public; therefore, it’s now gossip.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully he'll be granted joint custody just because he's divorcing her don't mean he gotta divorce his child


I believe that if there is no abuse, there should always be joint custody. Of course kids will probably be with their mother majority of the time. But they need to have an open co-parenting plan. This is getting too messy

Jcee said...

You can’t have joint custody if the parents reside in different states it’s literally impossible. Now Jeanie never accused him of not being a good father she said that he was negligent with his guns not that he was abusive towards the child. He doing all these filings just to paint a narrative and bully this woman through the courts and media. First he asked for joint custody then withdrew now he asking for it again. Something is wrong with this man. Period. She never accused him of being unfit.

Anonymous said...

they get the same babydaddy...all of them..

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