Thursday, June 06, 2024

Wendy Williams' Bestie Still Hasn't Spoken to Her

Back in February former daytime talk show host Wendy Williams' best friend, Regina Schell, revealed that Wendy often went without food under her court appointed financial guardianship [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Regina claims she hasn't spoken to Wendy in over a year...

From The Sun
Wendy Willams' best friend Regina Schell believes the outspoken star has been forced into silence after not hearing from her publicly in over a year.
In her first-ever long-form interview, Regina, Wendy's best friend of 44 years, who lived with her throughout the summer of 2022, questions what is going on with her famous pal.
"I want people to know that Wendy is a real person, and this is not some karma is a b**** thing," Regina began about the star's days of dishing on celebrities as host of The Wendy Williams Show.
"Talking is Wendy's life, her whole claim to fame is talking, and I don't think she would be this quiet unless she was forced to be quiet," the star's decades-long friend alleged.
The star's pained friend, Regina, went on to ask several pressing questions after the star was last seen publicly in May of 2023.
"Where is Wendy and why is no one asking that question? And why is no one answering that question? Why can't they produce Wendy, or an actual statement from Wendy, or a picture of Wendy? Where is Wendy?!," Regina demanded.
"I haven't spoken to my friend, who I spoke to five times a day, in over a year now."
Regina further wonders, "What is the end game? How does this end when her money is gone? Where is she?
"It's got a sinister vibe to it. That's what gets me. There's something about it, that just doesn't feel right.
"There's no sign of her beyond a statement that was made which doesn't sound like her at all, and why hasn't a medical team come forward to talk about her dementia diagnosis?"


Anonymous said...

You’ll speak to Wendy one day sis.
Right now her & Karma catching up.

Anonymous said...

^^^^ You're tired and Lame! FRFR

Anonymous said...

Snitch you mean for that pic!
Look like she just waxed her mustache!
It’s giving “drunk aunty.”

Anonymous said...

@ 12:43 PM… thanks for the compliment. Means a lot coming from you.

Anonymous said...

@12:50. How is it Karma Wendy had a job to do and she did it. It's no different from you at your Burger King or McDonald's job Wendy just got paid more.

Jcee said...

It’s amazing how ppl keep saying this is Wendy’s karma for what exactly? For gossiping ? How is this different from us being on these gossip blogs how is she different from any of these YouTubers and bloggers? Can anyone answer that for me because I’m truly confused about it. We all gossiping

Anonymous said...

Ignore the karma troll. Her baby daddy does.

Sweets said...

You know Wendy never went and looked for the juice, it was always brought to her. This isnt karma, this is the demise of a women by a husband that made her loose her mind. Kelvin is getting Karma. Wendy is his Karma, he knows that he caused this when that baby was born. She was fine and maybe even content with him cheating with that 1 woman, but that 1 woman having a baby and you making her look stupid and using her money. Wendy just got the bad end of the stick.

LOLOL said...

@ Jcee,
I have been saying that since the beginning. Why the hate from the hypocrites. Point one finger at me and three fingers point back at you.

Anonymous said...

Everybody gossips in some way. Wendy just got paid for it. Just like shows like ET and TMZ & others. Praying for her. She is one of the best at her job. Hope she comes back stronger.

Anonymous said...

I think people go hard at Wendy about the karma thing not because she gossips, but because she seems to enjoy reveling in people's misery when she gossips. It's one thing to report news or a repeat a rumor if you're in the talk show, journalism or gossiping business. It's another thing to act sanctimonious or high and mighty when you're discussing someone else's downfall or troubles. TMZ and ET don't do that. They report the story and share their opinion but I don't think I've ever seen them clowning celebrities like Wendy did.

I caught her show a few times and she would often come across like she was looking down from her Ivory Tower. It was very rare for her to act sympathetic when people hit rock bottom and now she's in the same place as some of the people she was snickering about. Then she lied about her marriage being intact when the side baby was already here.

I don't have an opinion one way or the other and she can be entertaining. But I'd never wish ill on anyone or laugh at someone else's misery. Wendy could've reported gossip without doing just that but sometimes she chose not to. And now look at where she is. Shoe's on the other foot.

Anonymous said...

Wendy was vicious and she was paid for laughing at other people's misery. That's where the karma comes in. The difference between her and a gossip blog is we aren't affecting anyone's lives unless they're stupid enough to read us.

LOLOL said...

Some of us are also vicious and even lie about the gossip without receipts. Come up with another scenario.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They will give Wendy back to her family when the money runs out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 5:01 PM
Pontificating for real

Anonymous said...

5:40 - Where's the lie?

Anonymous said...

Poor Wendy

Anonymous said...

Po Wendy

Anonymous said...

Just do a welfare check with her guardian

Anonymous said...

Wendy thought that finding something wrong with a celebrity that she wanted to be would help her insecurities. That is all catching up to her not being happy with her family cause she wanted more, like yt people have it. SAD

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