Friday, June 28, 2024

Wendy Williams' Best Friend Testifies for Her Ex Husband in Fight for Alimony

Two months ago former daytime talk show host Wendy Williams' ex husband, Kevin Hunter, launched his bid to restore his alimony after he was cut off by Wendy's court appointed guardian claiming there was no money to pay him [click here if you missed that]. 

Wendy's best friend, Regina Schell, who has been giving interviews bringing awareness to the dire state of Wendy's guardianship [click here if you missed that], submitted an affidavit on Kevin's behalf claiming Wendy had $55 million in her bank account just two years ago... 

From The Sun
WENDY Williams had $55 million in the bank before her guardian, Sabrina Morrissey, took over and told her she had no money left, per court documents.
In an affidavit submitted to a New Jersey court and exclusively obtained by The U.S. Sun, Wendy's best friend of 44 years, Regina Schell, claimed to have seen the star's Wells Fargo bank statements.
"In July of 2022, Wendy invited me to stay with her in New York City for an extended period," Wendy's childhood friend claimed in the affidavit.
"During that visit, Wendy expressed to me that she wished to explore options regarding her estate, specifically a possible change with her current financial institution.
"She also shared with me documents from Wells Fargo showing a cumulative balance of nearly $55 million."
The friend went on to claim that in December of that year, she was invited to join Wendy in a meeting with another bank.
"Wendy had scheduled an appointment with Bank of America's Private Banking Group, which included the senior vice president, private client advisor, wealth strategy, market director, and several others to outline the best products available," she wrote to the court.
"I remained present during the entire presentation," she added.
"Following the meeting, I witnessed Wendy handing the Bank of America proposals and documents to Ms. Morrissey as we were all in the same vehicle drive to the courthouse," she continued to claim.
However, just days later, Wendy's friend claimed a dramatic turn was revealed.
"Days later, I returned to my home in California and received an urgent call from Wendy's then-publicist.
"The publicist claimed to have overheard a conversation between Wendy and Ms. Morrissey, whereas Ms. Morrissey gave Wendy the unfortunate news that there is no money in Wendy's accounts," the pal continued in her court affidavit.
"In disbelief, I immediately contacted Ms. Morrissey. Ms. Morrissey and I have been in regular contact, and I fully expected her to tell me there was some sort of miscommunication, but instead, I was blocked from all communication with her, and denied access to my beloved friend," Regina wrote.
"May 1 of 2023 was the last time I spoke with Wendy," the friend said before signing the document with the disclaimer.
"I hereby affirm that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief."
The affidavit was submitted by Regina in Wendy's ex Kevin Hunter's divorce case.
Kevin continues to battle the guardian in court.


LOLOL said...

Does this noisy Heffer have a life or something else to do besides running her mouth about WW? Let the woman suffer in peace.

Anonymous said...

Wendy pockets are going to be emptied one way or the other. They are lined up. Serves her right.

Gg57 said...


Let her suffer in peace?? Lmaooooooooo what!!!

R in NYC said...

The best friend is a day late and a dollar short. Obviously someone is stealing Wendy's money. I just don't understand why NO ONE that loves her is moving hell and high water to get to the bottom of it.
Whoever this guardian is ...she's up to something nefarious. I don't care what Wendy said about your favorite celebrity, she doesn't deserve this woman robbing her!

LOLOL said...

@ Gg57, Jokes

Anonymous said...

$55 million that she can’t have access to. That’s crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

Health is wealth. Your health ain’t in order that money is going to sit there untouched!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, even if Kevin was cheating and had a
If there was about 55 million
Kevin could have took 10 million for
him, his mistress/baby
Gave 10 million to his son by Wendy
(Make arrangements for his present and future with the money)
10 million to put up for Wendy in some sort of trust
10 million for Wendy to live on
And allow the rest to draw interest
Kevin greedy , egotistical and just plain nasty
All he had to do was make sure money stayed
good and flowing
And everything could have been all good
And EVERYONE could have eaten well
Daggonit, even Sharita should have been smart enough
And not so greedy and dumb
To make sure the money kept flowing
And EVERYBODY was eating well
With 55 million dollars, smh

Anonymous said...

This is sad that her own father was not appointed.

Anonymous said...

A sad ending to a sad life.

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