Thursday, June 06, 2024

Wayne Brady No Longer Fears Being Blackmailed Since Coming Out

Last year actor Wayne Brady came out as panseuxal [click here if you missed that]. 

Wayne admits one of the biggest things about coming out is no longer worrying about being blackmailed...

Wayne Brady is able to live freely since publicly coming out as pansexual — and he’s ready to celebrate his first Pride Month.
“I don’t give a f–k anymore,” Brady, 52, exclusively told Us Weekly at the Advocate + Out Pride cover launch party on Monday, June 3. “I no longer walk around with shame or fear of blackmail — and that’s the biggest thing.”
He continued, “I didn’t know how I would get past the hurdle of care. I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, if I say certain things, will I lose some of the audience that watches my shows, and that watch the daytime shows, and will I lose this?’”
"I actually care very much because I love my job. But if you can’t accept me as a person, then maybe my humor isn’t for you,” he said on Monday. “Maybe you shouldn’t be watching me [or] maybe you shouldn’t support me. There’s somebody else who spews a little more flavor of hate that you can go and hang out with.”
"I'm hoping [that] when you live your actual life, it’ll reflect into your work,” he said. “So, if I go into things without my hang-up, then it’ll be a shinier me.”


R in NYC said...

Shiiiid....we knew he was fruity.
Carry on.

Jcee said...

Sir nobody cared about who you were sleeping with but YOU! It’s high time these men stop blaming everyone else for their deceit. Your had a predominately whyte audience so no one was judging you or going to judge you. You wanted to hide in the closet most likely because you wanted the best of both worlds meaning women in public and men in the dark and you knew women would not want to be with you under those terms and conditions !

Anonymous said...

What confusion looks/sounds like.

Ms. Transformation said...

Life is a journey of self-discovery. No one comes into knowing everything about ourselves. It's called life...Enjoy the journey and forgive yourself for what you didn't know and do now and that's all that matters. Peace with one's self regardless of outside opinions (which truly has nothing to do with you) is true freedom. Kudos Wayne!

LOLOL said...

The comments are harsh on this thread, and I expect more.
People still judge others sexuality to this day. And the Black public can be the worst especially, these sanctimonious bible thumpers that come on here judging others every day, while they hold their bible in the other hand. They think that will save them from the strike of God while spewing the hate that's in their dark hearts.
Now that he doesn't have to worry about blackmail but more concerned about being blackballed in Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

I love Wayne Brady from The Chappelle Show years ago. Glad he's happy.

Anonymous said...

A black man who did his shadow work and discovered his true self. I applaud this man! Anyone who can openly admit to who they are is a someone who has put in the emotional work to heal themselves from their past experiences. He took back his power from the demons who would have used his sexuality against him. Kudos!!

Anonymous said...

He ain’t like me.

Anonymous said...

I applaud his honesty. It's refreshing. Other people are going to be forced out the closet, kicking and screaming, in full denial. Lol

Anonymous said...

Cause he sold to the goat and bent over

Anonymous said...

Time to wear the dress

Anonymous said...

You can always count on the Snitch site for ignorant low level homophobia. Wayne Brady took back his narrative and became in control of himself. Blessed brother.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Brady like Wee Wee?!
First the Fat Boys break up, now this!
Ahh nahh!
He must wear his colored contacts in secrecy.
I wonder is he batting or catching?

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to go around there and tell Wayne we already knew he was part of the LGBTQ crew but he just kept denying it. No one cared because we already knew!

Anonymous said...

Ignorant low level homophobia.

Anonymous said...

His being gay is not a surprise after we saw who his wife was. Wayne should have been who he was from the jump. Glad it wasn’t another black woman that was deceived.
Black men who live in the closet while being married to the opposite sex are selfish. It’s not about your living your truth finally. It’s about doing it from the beginning before ruining lives.

MK said...

too true @ 2:08

Anonymous said...

WTF is a pansexual? And no I'm not Googling that shyt b/c these alphabet folks be doing too much. Don't nobody got time to be running to no dictionary every time these people start feeling a little sweet in the foot and decide to create a new category for their proclivities. Just say you a man who likes men or women who act like men or whatever.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:36 PM… nobody cares about homos or anybody’s sexuality. What you do behind closed doors & your sexuality doesn’t define you as a person.
And yes I’m very ignant!

Anonymous said...

“ women in public and men in the dark and you knew women would not want to be with you under those terms and conditions”
Most black men use the “shame of being gay” to justify being DL. The truth is if you are a gay man us women do not care- be gay. However, if women choose to not want to be intimate with men that are intimate with other men, that is when the secrecy begins. Some DL men want both sexes so they lie to the gender most likely to reject their bisexuality.

Anonymous said...

Gay is
As gay does
if that makes any sense

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@2:08 & 4:15 🎤 Drop walks off, nothing left to say. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Anonymous said...

What the hell is a pansexual? I don't even care enough to look it up, the lmnop crew do too damn much, every time you turn around they add another acronym to their tired ass label, I couldn't care less about these confused fools, as long as they stop trying to indoctrinate children into their f*ckery. No one care who you are sleeping with, people are just over the attention whoring stunt qween antics.

Anonymous said...

So monkey pox and AIDS is no longer a thing?

Anonymous said...

Nobody was blackmailing him… he just decided to come out and capitalize on HollyWeird job offers. People lose they morals for money and external validation. Weak minds…

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember that McDonald's commercial with the moon guy in sunglasses singing about big Macs? They're related

Anonymous said...

@7:44 means he only dates lost boys

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