Monday, June 17, 2024

Tyrese Lashes Out Over Father's Day Snub

Tyrese, who has a notoriously bad relationship with both his ex-wives [click here and here if you missed that], lashes out after not receiving a Happy Father's Day text...


LOLOL said...

It makes sense. He's a horrible father and was a disgusting husband. What's the problem?

Anonymous said...

Tyrese is a POS. He is NOT a good father. Why should anyone celebrate trash?

No Chiraq said...


No Chiraq said...


Anonymous said...

He's rude and has diminished everything about both of his ex-wives, while never taking responsibility for anything he's done. I wouldn't call him either. He should worry about his almost grown daughter and allow her to call and say happy father's day. I wouldn't consider a man who smears the reputation of the mother of children all over the internet a good father.

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