Friday, June 14, 2024

Tyla Settles Coloured Debate

Afrobeats recording artist Tyla, who is a coloured woman from South Africa, clarifies her race and nationality after a messy interview with The Breakfast Club...

Since trying to break the American market, Tyla has run into controversy because of the different meaning of coloured in South Africa vs the meaning in the United States, which harks back to the painful era of Jim Crow.

This week Tyla appeared on The Breakfast Club and when Charlamange tha God asked for clarification Tyla declined.

After her interview went viral, causing more controversy, Tyla set the record straight.


Anonymous said...

And this adds value to our life? Come on, these posts are getting harder to digest and offer commentary. This sounds like something color struck Sandra Rose would post. Speaking of that racially challenged woman, why is she so obsessed with this blog and posting our comments on her site?

Anonymous said...

Weez all colored!

Anonymous said...

She told the truth. In South Africa her government and society call her Coloured. America has a different system and so you can't persecute her when she didn't create the laws in her land. The Coloured label to me just means mixed race. Why should she deny being mixed race when you know people would beat her up for that too and say she is trying to be super Black ? Leave her alone. I'm so sick of color. I bet God shakes his head a many days because humans are ignorant.

Anonymous said...

She's multiracial. The end.

LOLOL said...

Stay in school folks and know your history. Don't let know one speak your truth, about who you are.
After the interview she posts her explanations. Sounds like someone else wrote it.

Anonymous said...

These mixed girls always in black spaces and wonder why people want clarification.

Anonymous said...

10:46 that part. But she definitely is not black. She is black coded. Another Bruno Mars.

Anonymous said...

Coloured has no meaning here but it's a specific designation in South Africa. That's how the country classifies her. What's the problem?

Anonymous said...

@10:46am & 11:13am, she has ZULU blood inside of her and she still is not BLACK enough for yawl??? DAMN!!! Even if any person has one drop of black blood in them, they ARE BLACK. If she's not supposed to be in black spaces, then what space is she supposed to be in?

Anonymous said...

Who she is?

Shafrika Lights said...

Girl sucked the right peen to get the backing she has. That water song was annoying and she has no real voice. She's at Basketball games doing the usual heaux rounds. Noone cares what color you are little pop starlit. Get stuffed!

Anonymous said...

Outside of S. Africa she should say mixed or black. Coloured is a bit much for and points to the vicious and deep extreme racism of that country.

Shafrika Lights said...

Snitch you wack after for deleting my comment. This blog is a joke!

Anonymous said...

Some Black folks in the United States think the world revolves around them and their hang ups. She has a look alike sister who is much darker than her. They used to post YouTube videos as teens and Tyla made a comment that she envied her sister's skin tone. She is not ashamed of any part of her blackness. She's African! Tyla makes good music. Listen to her catalog, not just "Water". She's the next big thing.

Anonymous said...

I'll never understand why some negroes are so pressed about how another person identifies. Some of y'all need to pick up a book and learn that the American Black experience is not the only Black experience that exists on this planet smh

Anonymous said...

@ 10:46 AM. You are not the gate keeper of "Black spaces". Is Tisha Campbell allowed? She's way lighter than Tyla. The irony of Tyla being straight from the motherland and not qualified to be in "Black spaces." You can't get any blacker than Africa.

Anonymous said...

I also need folks to realize that the "one drop rule" is not scientifically based. It was just created to allow slave owners to legally own slaves through lineage. So stop acting like just because someone has brown skin immediately means you get to dictate ownership of how they identify.

Anonymous said...

Then she should say South African. Coloured don't sound right. Stinks of British colonialism. And that's fine the world don't revolve around African Amerocans. Be good if the world realize that too . Why push this coloured girl on us?

Anonymous said...

In fact, let's just call.her coloured like she'd like. Colored girl. Lol

Anonymous said...

Poor child can't even speak for herself. She don't even know what she is. She not ready for interviews in America.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:09 PM...If places were reversed and a light-skinned African American went to South Africa, some Black Africans would take offense that she would call herself Black. Due to Apartheid, the Black experience was separate and way worse than the 'coloured' experience in that country. Tyla can't win for losing.

Anonymous said...

I don't get the appeal. The Water song was annoying and childish, and outside of that, I agree, she did do something strange to get her backing.

Anonymous said...

Black people want to live through mixed people so badly.. But we not supposed to know

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