Saturday, June 15, 2024

Tyla Blindsided by Charlamange Tha God

This week South African recording artist Tyla went viral after refusing to answer questions about her racial identity on The Breakfast Club [click here if you missed that].

Now insiders claim Charlamange knew he wasn't supposed to ask Tyla about race, but did it anyway...


Kendall said...

Her team gotta take the L. They should have known better. Breakfast Club is known for being super messy and Charla doesnt give a F. This is all well documented with over a decade of receipts.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Charlamange because he has more b!tch in him than I do, but I'm glad he called her out on this. Tired of these people who are Black until it no longer suits their needs. And don't come at me about the differences between colored and Black. I know those differences. So did Ghandi.

R in NYC said...

Oh least he asked something worth talking about. Most celeb interviews are mid and watered down.

Anonymous said...

His show.

Anonymous said...

F*** ghandi & mother Teresa too… ol racist!
You know how these tethers are.

Anonymous said...

7:14, she never denied being of African descent, she just acknowledged her other background as well. Why are you being willfully ignorant about how a grown woman identifies? And what does Ghandi have to do with her race? The Black American experience is not the only Black experience in this world. Just loud and wrong. Please read up on the African diaspora before you continue to embarrass yourself.

LOLOL said...

This is about him not honoring their request not to speak about what ever topics that are on the list. When he went off topic, get up and leave. It's just that simple.
We don't need PR always up in Black folks' business talking about race while his is murdering you know who.

Anonymous said...

Tyla is going to come out and say although she grew up in South Africa, she has never experienced as much racism/colorism as she has in the United States. Let her be great, y'all! Her music speaks for her.

Anonymous said...

Well, the one person who can beat CTG at his own game is Candace Owens. He doesn’t attack her simply because she is too articulate and intelligent. I’m surprised more women can’t handle his questions. My bad, Mo’Nique was one CTG couldn’t play with either.
Before coming to the Breakfast Club, be prepared or be embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

I wish she would’ve just said she was a coloured SA woman. She is not black and I wish people would stop forcing her to claim it. I bet her Zulu dna is about 20% of her genetic makeup if even that much. Both parents look south Asian and they come in all shades of brown. Let this SA woman be.

Anonymous said...

Brown skin Africans are not black? Yes she should've just answered the question. She looked dumb. So if Beyonce goes to racist S. Africa she's colored b/c she lite skin?

Anonymous said...

Charlize Theron is South African. South African because that’s her birth land. No one is calling her black.

Anonymous said...

1:28, you want her to completely disengage from the identity she grew up in and has known her whole life, just so you, a complete f*cking stranger, can be satisfied with her race? Are you ok?

Anonymous said...

Rosenberg this is black folk business so shut up! In the eyes of "the powers that be" she will be considered black regardless if she answers the question or not.

Anonymous said...

@11:13am. What has Gandhi got to do with coloreds, South Africans and Black people? Dare I suggest you read up on your history, dear.

@10:51. Eff 'em, indeed. Thank you.

Lili said...

The girl is South African. In South Africa coloured = MIXED.

That's it. That's all.

They don't go by the one drop rule, and coloured doesn't have the same negative connotation over there.

We want to claim any and everyone who is even a little Black, because that is the way it is here, but it isn't that way in every part of the globe.

People in other regions do not see the world through the same lens as us, and we need to understand that.

Furthermore, people are acting crazy over this girl because she is BEAUTIFUL and they want her to claim being part of us.

The pretty mixed girl isn't calling herself Black, and Black Americans are mad. If she was unattractive no one would care. LOLOL!

We gotta stop this, yall.

She isn't Black American and doesn't have or know our history. When she visits other nations will she not be able to refer to herself as "coloured" either?

Lili said...

@ 12:49 EXACTLY

Anonymous said...

The question was very American.

Unknown said...

@2:04 Noooo. I want her to answer the question. Because I am actually confused what colored is. And as to why she couldn't articulate how she identifies. I know who I am. And can communicate it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful explanations. Now they need to teach her how to explain that colored a term out of Jim Crow means mixed. Or just say colored. And see how that works. Lol

Anonymous said...

2:04, she's already answered what it many times. And if you don't understand the concept, you have access to the same internet that other people have.

Anonymous said...

*what it means many times

Anonymous said...

If it looks like a Negro...

Anonymous said...

I’m trying to figure out…how CThe G became famous. He gaslights his guests and bully women.

Anonymous said...

CTG worked for/with WW.

Anonymous said...

Colored means biracial in South African terms. I wish Americans actually knew more than ebonics.

Anonymous said...

^^^If you're American and you knew then what are you actually complaining about? And it's coloured with a U.

Itty said...

They should've prepared her for people like Charlemagne

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