Thursday, June 06, 2024

Trump Fulton County Criminal Case on Pause

Back in March a judge ruled that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis did not act improperly and could remain on Donald Trump's election interference case, after Republicans accused her of corruption [click here if you missed that].  

This week a Georgia court of appeals paused all proceedings in Trump's Fulton County criminal case, until it rules on the effort to disqualify Willis...

A Georgia appeals court on Wednesday officially stayed until at least October the racketeering case alleging Donald Trump and others conspired to illegally overturn the results of the 2020 election — making it impossible for the case to go to trial before November's elections.
The case had been considered highly unlikely to go trial before Nov. 5 after the Georgia Court of Appeals earlier this year agreed to hear an appeal on whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her office should be allowed to remain on the case.


LOLOL said...

This is the biggest disappointment of the year for me involving Dump. She really fumbled this case, after starting out so strong with evidence to convict him.
Everybody that comes from a household that works like a village knows not to mix business with pleasure. If you didn't know before, you know now. We have to stay strong and vigilant. The same rules have never applied to us to mimic, what Yt's do on or off the job.

Anonymous said...

I can not understand why she just didn't chill with trying to date someone on her team "conflict of interest" she should have known this especially for this case. Dealing with this guy knowing they would try to use anything and everything to discredit her.

Anonymous said...

Comment section be drier than that thang every time Big T get a win!
Can't wait til the morning of November 6th when Snitch has
To post that Trump victory!
I see y’all last week celebration was short lived!
Buy me a drink Snitch.

Anonymous said...

President Donald J. Trump, Convicted Felon.

The Trumps will never be able to remove this from the history books.

Melania is preparing Barron to be politician, but he won’t be able to scrub off this funk either and neither will his children and neither will their children.


Anonymous said...

She thinks it'll stick. Doesn't make her stupid. Doesn't make her smart either.

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