Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Trina McGee's Adult Children Learned of Her Pregnancy Online

Earlier this month Boy Meets World star Trina McGee announced she was expecting her fourth child at age 54 [click here if you missed that]. 

Trina's adult children are upset they found out about the pregnancy online...

From People 
The news of Trina McGee's pregnancy at age 54 didn't just take the world by surprise.
The Boy Meets World alum exclusively tells PEOPLE that learning she's expecting her fourth baby her first with husband Marcello Thedford, came as a "shock" to her. But her three adult children, Ramia, 31, Langston, 29, and Ezra, 25, who she shares with her first husband, actor Courtland Davis, were also surprised by the news, especially since they learned about it online.
"I put something on Facebook. I didn't think it was a big deal, and I said, 'I'll call the kids later. They're grown. They have their own lives.' So I speak to them maybe once a week on Sundays, normally. Now, we're speaking a lot more," she says. "Two of them found out through the media, and one of them was really pissed. It was just a matter of a couple of hours of a slip."
However, despite the slip-up, McGee says everything is now fine between the bunch. "We're all good now. And actually, it jolted us all into really talking and being together," she shares.


Kendall said...

She doesnt look 54 at all. I know she is wearing makeup but even still. Wow. Wishing her a safe pregnancy 💓

Anonymous said...

Sorry lady. Can’t relate. I talk to my mom waaaay more than once a week. She must be a swirl baby.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to think this chick announced this pregnancy just to manifest one. Kinda like how I've been telling folks I'm 10 pounds lighter because I just know I'll eventually lose the weight.

Anonymous said...

I get it because I don't even talk to my adult kids once a week. They have busy lives and mine is busier but I think something as important as being pregnant at 54 would prompt you to pick up the phone.

Anonymous said...

54 where? She looks amazing !

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