Monday, June 17, 2024

Terrence Howard Slams Jim Crow Laws of Mathematics

Five years ago actor Terrence Howard announced he had solved the pythagorean theorem and would be retiring from acting to share his findings on a wider scale [click here if you missed that].

Now Terrence is blaming the Jim Crow laws of mathematics for concealing his findings from the world...

From TMZ
Terrence Howard firmly believes his non-traditional theories on math, gravity and science are the simple truth -- and it's only the "Jim Crow laws of mathematics" preventing the rest of the world from getting on board with him!
Terrence says mathematicians have limited how we think about the world with their longstanding principles, comparing it to the Jim Crow South's restrictive laws ... which is why he thinks folks are resistant to his math principles -- 1 x 0 = 1 is another gem.


Anonymous said...

A whole lot of pretty wasted.

Anonymous said...

This nicca is so crazy.

R in NYC said...

What's he smoking or sniffing?

Ms. Transformation said...

Not sure what the fudge he's talkin bout but:
Two Young Black Girls Find Trigonometric Proof Of The Pythagorean Theorem. The fundamental principle of geometry was said to be impossible to prove using trigonometry, but these brilliant minds found a way. Meet Calcea Johnson and Ne'Kiya Jackson!!!! Terrance, please have a seat

Anonymous said...

^^^^Correct..those two young black girls were just recognized for this....IDK whats happening here but clearly Terrence is not in his "normal" state of mind. Is it just his time to "snap"? or Is someone slipping him them mind altering "poisons"?
Beware of them YTs

Sweets said...

His daddy was crazy, its naturally in him

Anonymous said...

Has he ACTUALLY turned into Lucious Lion fr?

LOLOL said...

Sit down TH. You're over thinking with no logic or receipts. A job is coming soon. Just pray on it.

Anonymous said...

I was just about to say, wasn’t he trying to convince the work 1x1=2?

Anonymous said...

Anybody who believes 1x1 = 2 should be in a psych ward. He can't even prove that makes sense and he sounds like one of those babbling jailhouse fools.

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