Thursday, June 20, 2024

Swizz Beatz and Timbaland Face Backlash Over Elon Musk Partnership

Two years ago music producers Swizz Beatz and Timbaland wrestled back control of their pandemic era music streaming concept, 'Verzuz,' after a bad deal with the Triller platform [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Swizz and Timb are facing backlash after partnering with Elon Musk...
After announcing the news on Juneteenth the comment section erupted in disbelif.

The day before Elon Musk, who owns Twitter, amplified a Tweet stating Blacks kill more whites than whites kill Blacks.  


LOLOL said...

This is what happens when your (Tim&Swizz) music is not hott anymore and you dig way down in the dirty garbage to find scraps.
The Verz was useful during a period when we needed it. Let it go. Right now, your throat looks dry(thirsty). Everybody wants to be a Billionaire. All money is not clean money. Stop the Coonery.

Anonymous said...

One former African American employee won his discrimination lawsuit against this man's company and and solely received over 90 million so you can imagine how horrible it was for him. There are countless other African American employees with discrimination lawsuits, clearly these two uncle Tom's did not care enough to google what this man and his companies stand for.

Anonymous said...

Who should Tim and Swizz be concerned about? The idiots leaving meaningless tweets or the person who OWNS Twitter?

Listen, Elon provides them access to better partnerships. This is chess not checkers. Black people need to shut the fuck up and mind their business. Elon is a genius, junkie, baby daddy, piece of shit, and his people LOVE him. White people gave up on cancelling Elon and blacks need to give it up. Look around you. No one cares about your fake outrage. Your bullshit protests that lead to nothing means nothing to anyone but black folks. Leave Tim and Swizz alone. They're not concerned with you as they make their money.

Anonymous said...

Rest UP Magoo 😒

Anonymous said...

They didn't need Elon to do this and both have access to other equally deep, connected resources. This is a betrayal.

LOLOL said...

11:41 AM
We don't need it. Learn it.

Anonymous said...

11:41 AM

Anonymous said...

When you partner with the devil you end up with bad consequences.

Anonymous said...

It’s just business

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He terminated several Black employees after taking possession of that platform. F him...backwards, left, right & sideways.

Anonymous said...

What is African American? It’s just a made up misnomer.
The only group of people named after 2 continents. That’s named after 2 white people.
Tim & Swizz actually made a generational wealth power play & catching hate for it, but everybody else holler generational wealth cause it’s sounds cliche, but the majority of those people don’t even have 10K to their name! Just a bunch of talk for the gram.
Why celebrate Juneteenth when they never fulfilled their promise of reperations?
Why celebrate when your group is at the bottom of society?
Slavery never ended, they just took it indoors & gave you the money for food, clothing & shelter, but you’re still on the plantation! Massa still control the food that you eat!
Tim & Swizz just bought their freedom, the people that’s hating on them is still in mental bondage.
How can you be free when you don’t even know who you are?
Black people where already native to this land. They didn’t possess the technology to bring slaves to America en masse. It would’ve been a 3 month trek from west Africa to the americas. With a ship crew of 300 plus 500 slaves. You would’ve had to have cruise ship technology to feed 800 people for 3 months! And here’s the kicker
 you can’t drink sea water. They showed you Roots on tv & you fell for it! Even though it was revealed that Alex Haley plagiarized it.
Where are the slave ships? Nothing in the Smithsonian or Museums around the country. You still got dinosaur bones & Viking ships!
No slave ships though. Just paintings & drawings. Cameras existed during the slave trade. Where are the photographs of these ships?
You thought a race of people who didn’t even won’t you to read ever told you the truth about anything?
And if you’re still eating meat in 2024
 please don’t tell me how stupid I sound.

Anonymous said...

Snitch you’re just mad cause you’re not an intellect. You shouldn’t even have a comment section. You’re against open dialogue. You’re just another fair weather tether. I see why Sandra Rose steals your comments
 because you don’t appreciate those gems.
This site is remedial. Time to go fly with my kind.

Anonymous said...

This is Black Excellence?

Anonymous said...

Black media platforms do exist.

Anonymous said...

They done ran back to Massa!

Anonymous said...

Get yours and shut the door.

Anonymous said...

@11:59 am, These ninjas are durty
Yes, RIP Mr Magoo

LOLOL said...

11:41 AM
They need us to make the money. It was all Black ppl supporting the Black performers in verz. Learn to listen and listen to learn. Take your rant to someone who cares.

Anonymous said...

If 3 men lay down together, how many Puffy Daddys get up?
The only thing here to see is what is MISSING...the lipstick on all three unclean creatures!!!

Anonymous said...

This is sad and they're idiots for partnering up with Elon's racist and demonic arse. Trashhhh!!! Will not watch. Sorry but I can't do it.

Anonymous said...

And We The People are supposed to support this B.S. so that they can profit off of us?

Anonymous said...

Long as they keep the Bunny Hopping they have to do off social media

Anonymous said...

11:41am Apartheid Clyde, and the other two unconscious money grabbing thirsties totally need us. Wr don’t need them at all. I won’t be participating bloop bloop

Anonymous said...

Made A Deal with the Self Proclaimed "DEVILS CHAMPION".

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