Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Swizz Beatz Admits Juneteenth Blunder

Last week music producers Swizz Beatz and Timbaland drew heat from their fanbase after announcing their new Verzuz partnership with Elon Musk, on Juneteenth [click here if you missed that].

Swizz agrees that toasting champagne with Elon Musk on Juneteenth for the 'Gram was not a good look... 

Fighting for his life in the comment section of his first post since the announcement, Swizz Beatz stands firmly behind his decision to partner with Elon Musk, but concedes pictures of the far right tech billionaire should not have been shared on Juneteenth. 


Anonymous said...

Its business. I don’t see anything wrong with it. Only broke people would complain about that.

Anonymous said...

It's ok we all partied with the West Coast. Who cares what he did.

Anonymous said...

You partied with the west coast on some negative ish while they partnered to make money in the millions.
Big difference!

Anonymous said...

They're both stupid and money grubbers. There were so many online opportunities they could have used to create their own platform and didn't need X or Elon. They could have created a social media platform for Verzuz that modeled the same infrastructure as youtube. It would have allowed Live video viewing for their concerts, chat capabilities, and comments. They could have charged a small fee from either $5 to $10 each event or per month. They could have generated more than $10 million a month, at least 30 million, which is more than enough to pay the talent, cover cost and still maintain a profit. I thought Swizz had a Harvard Business certification? Clearly that's not worth the paper it's printed on because they either don't know the basics or Elon may have thrown them some cash. Or clout chasing Swizz wanted to appear as if he was hobnobbing with a well-known billionaire. Whatever the case, they're two sell-outs and it's a huge disappointment.

Shafrika Lights said...

They are both sellouts who cares

Anonymous said...

Their sellouts but you all are still broke, oppressed, strugglinf and still complaining. The usual lingo from hood boogers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They (all three of them) did that ish on purpose to thumb their noses at Black people. Musty’s whole m.o. is to use outrage for views and we all know he hates Black people. Those two so called Black men are willing to participate in his disgusting theater to make money. Beakz is pandering now to try and minimize the fallout. I hope the whole thing goes down in flames.

Anonymous said...

They had other choices.

Anonymous said...

To: 11:20 PM

It would be you that's the hoodbooger and learn the difference between "Their" and "They're", which would be the correct usage in your earlier sentence. Brainiac!

Anonymous said...

Swizz is stoopid always has been. No surprise here.

Anonymous said...

who gives an actual fuck? stop using the N word and then I will take you all serious.

Anonymous said...

They don't care about people that they don't know. Money is everything to these people.

Anonymous said...

Well there's no way I'm ever going on the X platform for anything. Elon is a raging racist who I will never support. Swizz and Tim need the people to actually tune in so we'll see how that goes....

LOLOL said...

They only regret because the negative reaction to the picture lit a new hole in, they Boo-tay.

Anonymous said...

I want them to win but unfortunately, I can’t support anything touched or owned by Elon.

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