Sunday, June 02, 2024

R.I.P. Marian Robinson

Former First Lady Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, has passed away age 86...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

RIP, Mother Dear and condolences to everyone who loved her.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful eulogy. Lovely lady. RIP Queen.

R in NYC said...

7:38 Youre very disrespectful.

Rest in Heavenly peace❤️

LOLOL said...

After reading that statement about MO mother, I remember when Black mothers and grandmothers stood tall on principles, love, support, strength, standards, guiding and teaching the family. That's the Black Women that I knew and loved. Some, mother's and grandma's today are too busy being Hoochie Mama's.
This is why I always loved the song by the O-Jays. It's a Family Reunion. I'm so blessed to have those memories. Rest in peace to all of us who had Black women like her.

Anonymous said...

Her sacrifice allowed the Obama family to be The Obamas. Rest in peace and power.

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