Monday, June 10, 2024

Rihanna Declares New Era in Hair Care

Last week Rihanna announced the launch of Fenty Hair [click here if you missed that].

Over the weekend Rihanna shared more insight into her line and declared a new era in haircare...


Anonymous said...

I am tired of being tricked by women’s hair. In fact I’m tired of being tricked by women period. Nothing is real anymore.
Eye lashes - FAKE
Eye brows - FAKE
Hair - FAKE
Lip color - FAKE
Face makeup - FAKE
Finger nail color - FAKE
Breast - FAKE
Buttocks - FAKE
Perfume - FAKE
Where are the REAL Women hiding?
Where ya’ll at? REAL Men are looking for you.

Anonymous said...

☝🏾☝🏾 Up there. What he said.

Anonymous said...

Good for her

Anonymous said...

Good for her, however, I'm still not impressed. I wear my hair in locs and keep my regimen simple, celebrities hawking their overpriced wares to make their corporate masters and themselves richer, has never inspired me to purchase their wares.

Anonymous said...

Her hair products does not seem convincing to me. I
going to try Beyoncé since she does have trail size. If it’s great as the reviews says it it then I will buy the regular size. My hair is natural so I really want a great product to keep healthy growth going

Anonymous said...

It’s her vibe. Her vibe is everything.

Anonymous said...

Vibe on riri

Anonymous said...

Sorry but a vibe ain't going to sell a hair product when ur washing and wearing a wig and your natural hair is dry, overprocessed and barely there. Nothing screams healthy about anything she is hawking.

Anonymous said...

I’ll be glad when our Black Women get back to their OWN beauty standards. Our Black Women are the most beautifulist in the World………. Craig.

Anonymous said...

She acts like she’s describing a perfume as opposed to a hair product all she’s talking about is the smell not what it actually does for your hair.. I buy my hair products for what it does for my hair and the results not to walk around and get compliments about how my hair smells.

Anonymous said...

Right on @9:38

Calvin Klein’s no friend of mine
Dont want nobody’s name on my behind

Anonymous said...

ALL of You Dusty Men Need to Be Quiet!! There are Literally Billions of Women in this World Yet You Complain about Grown Women Doing What they Want to Do! Look 👀 Somewhere Else & Focus on What You Do Like✨😊✨

Anonymous said...

I feel you 9:14 AM. I'm a woman and I'm tired of seeing overprocessed women who look totally different when everything comes off. But it's not just Black women because YT women started that mess. Let's not forget so many Black women fully and openly embraced their God-given natural beauty -- their afros, gorgeous skin tones, lovely shapes and all that -- from the 60s and 70s and even into the 80s, until so many of us became brainwashed and mind controlled by the mighty YT.

Anonymous said...

I've been doing hair for thirty years . I love the hussle lasies ,but it's impossible permo

Anonymous said...

To promote healthy hair when you are constantly wearing a wig^^

Anonymous said...

Natural over here and don’t need it. Keep it simple

Anonymous said...

Amazin; Can’t wait to purchase⭐️⭐️⭐️

Anonymous said...

9:14. 90s fine women are not trying to compete with all these copy and paste Bratz Dolls looking “it” girls. We are home chilling after a long day of GOAL digging, or traveling.

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