Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Rihanna Announces Fenty Hair

After cornering the make-up market, now Rihanna is coming for your hair...


Anonymous said...

Good. Stop buying hair from dem folks.

Anonymous said...

Video looks amazing. I am definitely trying. So proud of you RiRi.

Anonymous said...


Ms. Transformation said...

I'm here for it! One thing RiRi does well is to be all inclusive. That's why she's on top with the make-up. I don't think Bey's hair line will do as well because she's the only model so far as opposed to using all types of hair models.... ijs

R in NYC said...

Good 4 her. Get dat money honey!

Anonymous said...

Beyucky is big mad I"m sure.

Anonymous said...

I hope she prices this well. I feel Fenty beauty is reasonable. Also, I believe her if she says she uses her products.

LOLOL said...

That wig and color do not look cute. Y'all will still run back to Ching Ching and them at the corner store.

Sunno said...

We ain't neva eva gonna get another album

Anonymous said...

Is it also owned by LVMH? Keep letting these people fool you.

Anonymous said...

I’m so confused. Beyoncé at least finally showed her natural head of hair and still hated by yall. Now this one’s in a blond wig too and no critique here? Huh?

Anonymous said...

I swear the wasps bring up Beyoncé more than the beyhive. Geesh. Anyways, good luck to Rihanna!

Anonymous said...

This woman is pure gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

@5:18 PM Don't Bother......I don't know if you've noticed but the cicadas can't let nobody shine without bringing up Beyonce, like NOBODY. It's like they can't wait..🙄

Anonymous said...

4:23 You get butt hurt over Beyawnce every day. Poor thang.

Anonymous said...

5:33 who is also several other comments, we don't WORSHIP your idol like you do. Go over to Lipstick Alley if you need to do so in peace.

Anonymous said...

I hope that her sales are direct to consumers or reputable retailers and not through the typical, usual 'hood supply channels.

In other news...Sean Combs cashed out at Revolt.

Anonymous said...

She's selling hair products but hasn't ever shown her real hair?! Am I missing something?!

Anonymous said...

I like Rih and all but I'm pretty tired of celebrities pimping people's pockets and draining bank accounts. If you can afford it, sure. But the same ones running out to "support" someone like Rih be the same one complaining about how unaffordable rent and groceries are. Why does the Black community need to be targeted for yet another hair product, make-up line or clothing collection? How come these celebrities don't use that same energy to do something on a large scale for the community -- like build affordable housing for the poor or push educational programs that's aren't corrupt (no Kanye or Diddy). And no, it can't just be one doing it (LeBron). They ALL need to do it. But I guess folks don't ever get sick of being lemmings and sheep.

Shafrika Lights said...

It's not believable, especially with that wig on, lol!

Anonymous said...

I see my comment was deleted so I'll repeat my question. Is this line also owned by LVMH like her make up line?

Anonymous said...

I don't care if Louis or anyone else is financing this. I love Fenty Beauty and will check out the wigs she's promoting.

Fenty Beauty has so many colors for dark skin that it's hard for me to chose one. Do I go with 445 or 450? One has olive undertones and the other has neutral undertones. I ain't never had this problem. I am here for Rih.

Anonymous said...

I'm not understanding advertising hair products but wearing a wig

Anonymous said...

The products support all hair types. She is alluding to the fact that your "human hair" braids, wigs, and weaves may also be maintained by her hair products.

Notice all-inclusive? That means all hair types, straight, curly, and everything in between. That means your wig or weave won't look dry and unkempt.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:26
You are correct - appealing to all is why Rhianna is so successful, while most of what B tries to sell usually ends up a flop.

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