Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Quavo Sparks Barbershop Debate

Quavo sparks barbershop etiquette debate after a seated client is asked to get up when the Migos rapper drops in for a line up...

Who was in the wrong? 

1. The barber for asking
2. The client for getting up
3. Quvao for not taking a seat and waiting his turn


Jcee said...

@7:41 I agree!

Anonymous said...

I'd find another shop.

Chelle said...

Unbelievable. The client was being selfless. I hate celebrities

Anonymous said...

He couldn't schedule an appointment?

Anonymous said...

I hate entitled MF

Anonymous said...

Find a new barber.

LOLOL said...

Agree, that would be the last time the barber would see me. Or go to one of his other barbers in the shop and bring other customers with me.

Ms. Transformation said...

This happened two years ago. Why is this a debate today?? Strange timing Snitch...ijs

Anonymous said...

They all was wrong. The barber is the real goofy here though.

Anonymous said...

The barber initiated the whole interaction.

Anonymous said...

The Barber is TRASH.

Anonymous said...

All “tree” of them. The client should have got up and walked out and never came back. The barber is trash and Quavo is entitled trash.

Anonymous said...

If he and the barber had any class the barber would be visiting him in his own private space and no one would know anything about it. As the saying goes...real Gs move in silence.

Anonymous said...

The barber is at fault.

Sweets said...

Seems that he had an appointment (Quavo)and it was told to the other client that you can sit and we can get started but you know you gotta get up when he get here he just a lil late. It was a joke it seemed normal doesnt seem like he (Quavo) walked in and said I need a haircut get up

Anonymous said...

I'm with 11:16 AM on this....I'll give this situation "the benefit of doubt"... because REAL ONES know ain't no status in the shop...

Anonymous said...

Yeah....I would neva go back to that money, time is just as valuable as the next person, "celebrity" or not

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