Monday, June 03, 2024

Porsha's Ex Husband Apologizes

For the past few months returning Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Porsha Williams' ex husband Simon Goubadia has been attacking and taunting her on social media [click here if you missed that]. 

Simon apologizes to his extended family for dragging their name into Porsha's storyline...


Anonymous said...

He's looking like a real SIMP in that picture. 🤣

R in NYC said...

Dear Simon,

We don't give a rat's a$$.

Anonymous said...

Is this really gossip anyone cares about? Mention their name to 99.999% of people and they wouldn't know who in the fugg you're talking about. Nobodies. Not worth our brain space.

Anonymous said...

They're still legally married?

No Chiraq said...


Anonymous said...

What a loser!

Anonymous said...

The irony is that Nigerians are known for scamming, so his "apology" has no bearing on how folks will feel about them anyway 🙄

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