Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Peter Thomas Apologizes for Looming Tax Scandal

Former Real Housewives of Atlanta husband Peter Thomas has a long history of opening businesses and leaving a trail of unpaid bills in his wake [click here here here here here and here if you missed that]. 

This week Peter apologized to his family and friends and admits he has not paid withholding taxes for over ten years and the IRS is coming for their pound of flesh...


R in NYC said...

Enjoy jail!

Anonymous said...

Apology accepted.
But, I don’t know you maaaan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The heat must be getting close.

Anonymous said...

Go straight to debtor's prison.

Anonymous said...

The Feds want their money not this lame attempt at taking responsibility years after the fact. He must be looking at a lot of jail time.

LOLOL said...

No one gets off from the Feds except Dump the slippery liar.
PT will be flipping those Uncle Bens flap jacks in a prison robe and fluffy slippers. LOLO

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