Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Oprah & Gayle Clear Up Illness Claims

This week Gayle King announced on CBS this Morning that her best friend, Oprah Winfrey, had been rushed to the hospital with "stuff coming out of both ends," to explain Oprah's absence for her CBS this Morning book club segment.

Oprah & Gayle clear up the confusion after the news goes viral...

Apparently it was just a little stomach flu that did not require hospitalization, just a quick visit to the Emergency Room.


Anonymous said...

Hands to the sky I never knew what a stomach virus/bug/flu was until I started working around YT ppl. I’d rather go thru natural childbirth than experience that again.

R in NYC said...

Ozempic is messing Oprah up. Nothing but stomach paralysis brought on by that drug. Folks gonna f**k around and find out the dangers of taking a medicine that was9 meant to treat diabetes 2.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Gayle! I see why her show with Charles sunk!

Anonymous said...

Shut up Gayle! I see why her show with Charles sunk!

Jcee said...

@9:42am right!! And was t Oprah promoting it? So of course she gone deny her issues are related to the drug. It’s annoying at this point. That medication is sending many ppl to the hospital

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